
Posted In: Rants. Reading This Thread:


| 6,773 posts

17th Nov 2009 at 5:39 pm

Topper - Dismantling a person is sometimes necessary...

Dismantling a person is sometimes necessary...

Hi VR, it's been quite a while since I started a thread and I realise I've been extremely inactive on this site over the past, well, couple of years, I guess and that's in no way related to anybody here, although you are all massive sh*ts, obviously That said, I feel like a bit of a rant/update is in order and although you may not care if you've read this far you'll probably finish now, let's be honest

Some may know I was in a very serious long-term relationship I entered into when I was 18 (my first proper g/f). That ended about 2 months ago and it was about as good a conclusion to a 7 and a half year relationship as one could hope for; basically, as cliched as it sounds, we wanted different things - her living together, marriage and kids (probably in that order) and me, well, not. Not sure exactly why, but that's my problem. She was an amazing girlfriend and the first part of the rant is that why did I not feel like I wanted the next logical step with someone I cared so much for? It bothers me. Secondly, why do I not regret the decision massively, like I half-hoped I would? What the feck is wrong with me? I'm nothing special and had a fit as f*ck girlfriend who adored me, understood me and I'm now alone because I decided I didn't want all the normal stuff people do want with people they care about as much as I did. It also feels worse than anything I could imagine to have destroyed someone who I cared about so much, even if I feel I did it for all the right reasons.

Anyway, those demons will probably come to a head at some point and I'll probably just explode or something but the other part of my rant is about being single, something I've not experienced since before I was technically an adult! I shouldn't moan about it because I've chosen the road myself and now I must walk it, or rather, awkwardly amble up it, probably embarrassing myself at every junction. There's another girl...I must stress she only came into light post-relationship but there is, undeniably another girl. She's another quite ridiculously hot one too, who I have great chemistry with and erm, stuff. It's coming to a head but I don't know if I want it as I feel horrible moving on knowing my ex is still hurting so bad. I realise that I am coming across as a tw*t here "yeah, I had a great girlfriend who I dumped and I'm moaning about it and now I have another attractive girl on the cards and I'm moaning about that too", but my life as always been so simple and stress free and I always ignored things and now my life feels like a somewhat subdued episode of Skins. Bloody hell.

Anyway, I'm out, not sure what, if anything I want in in response to this but hey, good to be back properly and hope I can catch up with some of you lot online a bit more and maybe even meet up at a meet or something, be nice to meet some of you ugly lot in person, so keep me posted about meets!
I hope some day, for some reason, David Duchovny is investigated by the FBI. Because that would make a great story.

Albert Johanneson

| 14,477 posts

17th Nov 2009 at 5:59 pm

Albert Johanneson - Outside-left


Alex, when the time is right for you, all that 'normal people' stuff will happen. It might be 1 year, 5 years, 10 years, but the important thing to remember is that you shouldn't (and clearly haven't) rush[ed] in to something to appease someone else - in the long run, that is going to be more beneficial to your happiness.

It seems you and Sarah had reached a fork in the road, and it's a shame that after 7.5 years, you couldn't reach a compromise over things, but at the same time, it sounds like you're remaining friends without all that 'lets be friends' speil, unless I've missed something.

A reason why you don't feel racked with guilt over it might be because it's the right thing to do for you both. If you'd have gone along with the 'normal people' routine, it would have quickly become evident that you didn't want to be there, and that may have been detrimental to your relationship and friendships.

You've made an important decision, stuck by it, and appear to have done your best to minimise the pain to both of you. All I can say to that is good luck, and hope whatever you decide to do bodes well for you.

Rayanne Graff

| 76,001 posts

17th Nov 2009 at 11:10 pm

Rayanne Graff - River Phoenix

River Phoenix

i don't have any advice either.

But welcome back anyroad, mofo. Even though you never went anywhere.


| 6,773 posts

18th Nov 2009 at 7:05 pm

Topper - Dismantling a person is sometimes necessary...

Dismantling a person is sometimes necessary...

Thanks for the advice and nice words

I was supposed to be going out with new girl after work but it sort of fell through due to a series of unfortunate incidents. I'm disappointed about that.

Lastly, it may go without saying, but no mention of me opening up and my situation on Facebook (those who "have" me) if you please, there are eyes everywhere. Not literally.
I hope some day, for some reason, David Duchovny is investigated by the FBI. Because that would make a great story.


| 6,773 posts

22nd Nov 2009 at 8:13 am

Topper - Dismantling a person is sometimes necessary...

Dismantling a person is sometimes necessary...

I'm now going to use this thread to give you irregular updates on my single life, which may prove comical due to my innate inability to be charming, cool or any of the other qualities that seem necessary to impress or woo the opposite sex.
As I said in my last post, the "date" with new girl had to be sort of cancelled but went out on our lunch break together on Friday for a pub lunch and topped ourselves up on last break with a quick drink too. Getting along massively well. I'm more comfortable with her than most girls as the basis of our bond seems to be our ability to rip the sh*t out of each other without taking offence (largely because we know we don't mean it).
Going out with her after work one day this week which i'm looking forward to, I just worry about starting something new at this stage, I mean, from her perspective it must be pretty intimidating too; if I was getting along really well with someone who had just got out of a 7.5 year relationship with their only real girlfriend i'd be a bit daunted myself. I've already accidentally called her Sarah once but luckily she was too drunk to remember. Really can't do that again.
I hope some day, for some reason, David Duchovny is investigated by the FBI. Because that would make a great story.


| 6,773 posts

22nd Nov 2009 at 11:31 pm

Topper - Dismantling a person is sometimes necessary...

Dismantling a person is sometimes necessary...

I've obviously thought about it loads, yeah and no I'm not sure, I'm not sure at all but I'm not even sure it'll happen like that anyway, may just be a bit of fun, may be nothing at all. Only one way to find out though and to be fair she's a really, really nice girl who knows the situation.

I've always been the sort of person who over-analyses most of life's decisions and now I've made such a big one I feel as if I've earned the right to just go with the flow a little bit and just see what happens and what life throws at me. As long as I'm honest along the way I think I'll be alright.
I hope some day, for some reason, David Duchovny is investigated by the FBI. Because that would make a great story.


| 6,773 posts

26th Nov 2009 at 10:59 pm

Topper - Dismantling a person is sometimes necessary...

Dismantling a person is sometimes necessary...

Think I've sh*tted it up with new girl due to my inability to not drink and text.

However, a 19 year-old girl at work has asked me to the cinema Saturday and I sort of accidentally said yes. She's very nice and very attractive but she's 19...Seems wrong in a weird sort of way but it's only a trip to the cinema, I'll cross any certain bridges when and if I come to them...
I hope some day, for some reason, David Duchovny is investigated by the FBI. Because that would make a great story.


| 6,773 posts

29th Nov 2009 at 3:10 pm

Topper - Dismantling a person is sometimes necessary...

Dismantling a person is sometimes necessary...

Good advice, Cagster

The "date" was actually rather nice with the 19 year-old although I'm not sure it was a date. How do you define a date? Does someone actually have to mention the word date? We know each other a bit at work, have a chat etc and she asked me to go see the new Twilight film with her. We then got some food and went for a drink...She's single, knows I'm single and kept going on about how cold it was in the cinema (which it wasn't) until I put my arm around her (apparently my coat was insufficent in the fight against the cinema coldness). I didn't do anything else and she also kept holding my arm around town. I know women are complex but am I safe in assuming she may like me there or do I need a written admission first?
I hope some day, for some reason, David Duchovny is investigated by the FBI. Because that would make a great story.


| 5,671 posts

29th Nov 2009 at 8:12 pm

Dissimulation -

This. Take the initiative and ask her out on a second 'date'. if/when the opportunity presents itself, be confident and make your intentions clear.
I mean, what was she wearing to be that cold in a cinema? Assuming the girl was dressed for the occasion and isn't suffering from poor circulation, both that and holding your arm around town, seems like a green light to me mate. I mean, the arm thing is almost a subconscious 'this one's mine'. It's definitely nowhere near as vague as the signs of interest a lot of women will give you to work with.

Go for it!


| 6,773 posts

29th Nov 2009 at 10:24 pm

Topper - Dismantling a person is sometimes necessary...

Dismantling a person is sometimes necessary...

I'll see her Tuesday and see how things are. She makes a refreshing change from headf*ck girl who I sort of messed up with so hopefully I won't need to think much.
I hope some day, for some reason, David Duchovny is investigated by the FBI. Because that would make a great story.


| 6,773 posts

29th Nov 2009 at 11:09 pm

Topper - Dismantling a person is sometimes necessary...

Dismantling a person is sometimes necessary...

I'm pretty good at surpressing.
I hope some day, for some reason, David Duchovny is investigated by the FBI. Because that would make a great story.


| 6,773 posts

4th Dec 2009 at 7:04 pm

Topper - Dismantling a person is sometimes necessary...

Dismantling a person is sometimes necessary...

Got a second date next Tuesday with 19 year-old. she agreed fairly readily to it and I was actually reasonably charming for, perhaps, the first time in my life...mainly because I stole Bernard from Black Books' "do you eat, I eat, want to do it in the same room some time?" line. I'm pretty sure she'll never watch Black Books so I think I'm safe to not have to admit I stole that.

I hope some day, for some reason, David Duchovny is investigated by the FBI. Because that would make a great story.


| 4,578 posts

4th Dec 2009 at 7:51 pm

Jingle - WOO-HAH!


It sounds like she is well into you insisting on a cuddle in cinema! When I go to the cinema on not-a-date I'm terrified that the guy will try to put his arm around me, I don't know what I'd do. Definitely not a friend thing in my opinion.

John Cage Bubblegum

| 6,555 posts

4th Dec 2009 at 8:26 pm

John Cage Bubblegum -

I've been single for longer than I care to remember. It's a bit sh*t to be honest.

Thanks for reading
Peter Kenyon has a medal


| 6,773 posts

4th Dec 2009 at 9:11 pm

Topper - Dismantling a person is sometimes necessary...

Dismantling a person is sometimes necessary...

Quote: Claire, Dec 2009
Quote: Kid A, Dec 2009
Quote: Claire, Dec 2009
It is stupid women's fault, George. Blame women, it will make you feel better, and is also more truthful. My impression of you is as a bloke who would look after a lass and who would make her laugh and feel special and I'm sure most here, if not all, would agree.

I'd disagree with you for various reasons but I don't want to hijack Alex's thread

Sod it, VR is dying, post where you like. Alexatron is probably off somewhere with his hareem, he won't mind. I guess I just think you need to believe in yourself more, man. There are so many sh*te men in the world who treat everyone like crap and don't think about anyone but themselves. You are better than them, you need to know that.

Hijack away! And George, I would agree with Claire based on what I know of you and the little everyone else says.

Out of interest, for peeps like Tom, George and me, what is it about getting people of the opposite (or same!) sex to be interested? If you're not highly sexy what's everyone's methods?

I think this should be turned into a general single thread where people can report on their quests for love/sex and the rest of VR can give advice where appropiate *nods*
I hope some day, for some reason, David Duchovny is investigated by the FBI. Because that would make a great story.


| 6,773 posts

4th Dec 2009 at 9:19 pm

Topper - Dismantling a person is sometimes necessary...

Dismantling a person is sometimes necessary...

Double post...

I think confidence is key from my limited single career. Before meeting and going out with Sarah I had no confidence whatsoever with women; I'd physically retreat from interraction with women who liked me and have no confidence to talk to the ones I really did like. Now I know I must be at least alright to have tricked, I mean, convinced, a girl like Sarah to like me so what's to get in my way of twisting another reasonably attractive girl's arm into going out with me? And even if she doesn't like me it won't have the horrible scarring effect it used to because I now do have more confidence.

Another difference for me is the fact I'm not overly arsed since breaking up with Sarah. The cliche is that you find love when you're not looking for it and whilst I don't entirely agree with that it does directly apply to me; I've not really tried the last couple of months and have just concentrated on getting myself together and, particularly the last month or so, having a good time.

That's my tuppence.
I hope some day, for some reason, David Duchovny is investigated by the FBI. Because that would make a great story.


| 15,329 posts

4th Dec 2009 at 9:39 pm

 Πανδώρα -

weellll, i know my problem is confidence

generally i don't have any whatsoever and i take too long to feel comfortable around people & come out of my shell

i mean... i locked myself in a toilet for 10 minutes the last time i went out >_>

i came out because i realised i was being an idiot, but yeah

Rayanne Graff

| 76,001 posts

4th Dec 2009 at 10:02 pm

Rayanne Graff - River Phoenix

River Phoenix

Quote: Kid A, Dec 2009
Quote: Valerie Holliday, Dec 2009
And you have a very long tongue.
Thumbs up.

I can touch my nose and everything *smug*

i didn't know George had a long tongue but i s'pose that Veg Rev is full of amazing discoveries.


| 6,793 posts

5th Dec 2009 at 5:24 pm

Jewbacca -

At any one time I have at least five girls after me.


| 6,793 posts

7th Dec 2009 at 1:29 am

Jewbacca -

Confidence is a preference.


| 8,154 posts

7th Dec 2009 at 11:03 am

wombat - Technically sexy.

Technically sexy.

Ever noticed how you treat people different based on how attractive they are.

For example, if an attractive person you don't know smiles at you on the street you think 'aww, they're nice' but if they aren't attractive you just think they are weird.
Southern hemispherical rat boy


| 6,793 posts

7th Dec 2009 at 3:08 pm

Jewbacca -

Quote: Valerie Holliday, Dec 2009
Quote: wombat, Dec 2009
Ever noticed how you treat people different based on how attractive they are.

For example, if an attractive person you don't know smiles at you on the street you think 'aww, they're nice' but if they aren't attractive you just think they are weird.

Apparently scientific testing shows people would give a longer sentence to an unattractive person than an attractive person for the same crime too.
Bring back eugenics I say.

Unless it's a woman and the crime is fraud-related, in which case the more attractive ones get longer sentences.


| 17,916 posts

7th Dec 2009 at 8:10 pm

LoonyPandora - Daft Cow?

Daft Cow?

Quote: Valerie Holliday, Dec 2009
I've been told (because everyone has their input these days) that the best time to meet someone is actually a few months after you've finished and you can't be arsed to try anymore so you're more yourself than any other time. Who agrees with this?

I can attest to the truthiness of that statement.

Quote: Valerie Holliday, Dec 2009
Also, from a conversation I had with James today, does it make a difference whether you're the dumper or dumpee on how easy you find it to get back into the swing of dating/rebounding?

Took me less time as the dumper to get back into the swing of things. Though it didn't work out well, maybe it only appears to take less time when you are the dumper, when in actual fact you ain't ready for the same length of time.

Vel: *sigh*
Emma: Hi VR...
Princess Psycho: Hi I am back in the UK so how are everyone been keeping. Has Fluffy had that little accident yet?
Rayanne Graff: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Lucozade Lover: Happy New Year!
Crinkle-Cut Beatroot: Happy new year <3
Rayanne Graff: Happy Easter.
Emma: So… Posting a new thread is Fission Mailing… so I’m putting this here.
Emma: I know there aren’t many people looking at this anymore… but I have made the decision to stop paying for the VR hosting and to let the domain lapse.
Emma: I think it will be going offline around the end of May
Emma: It’s been almost 10 years since James passed away… and I feel like it’s time.
Emma: A lot of the regulars can be found on the VR veterans group on Facebook - if you see this and you’re not in there, come join us.
Crinkle-Cut Beatroot: What's the facebook group called? I couldn't find it...
IGH: And so it ends
Captain Spiky: I've just been loving life, going through the photos in the Meets gallery. so many awesome people that I loved hanging out with

