Quest Mrk 2

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21st Aug 2006 at 9:40 pm

Mutter oh gib mir Kraft


Chapter 1: Enter Phase

Phase and Sofia walk hand in hand down a half built trail into the cityscape of Stransberg, soaked head to toe by the heavy rain and bedraggled by the wind, their clothes muddied by the harsh trek through the Aryania flats. When they began their trek from city of Lechtstein the weather was pleasant with only a mild breeze caressing through the air. Sofia had suggested they hire a car for the journey, but Phase believed walking along the picturesque trails through the gently rolling hills would invigorate the senses. The subsequent downpour proved him wrong. As they got closer to their destination the night started to draw in, clouds of choking smog carried by the wind abused their airways as they approached a ne'er used back road into the city. Stransberg is an oppressive industrial machine, churning out suffocating amounts of pollution and waste, the surrounding countryside long since dead, overwhelmed by the toxic poisons flowing through the so called rivers. Large purification facilities were constructed a mile further down where the two main rivers converge to protect the more valuable agricultural lands and the more affluent citizens of cities like Lechtstein, Sittard and the great lake of Instar Wasser which was the main source of water for Orion itself. As they enter the city true the industrial smog of Stransbergs factory laden landscape produced during the days labours, begins to dissipate into the spoilt night air. The steel, textile and military production facilities have finally shut down for the night and the nucleur power stations have lowered their output, the majority of the populace have cleared the streets to take restpite for the coming day. Here stands a city that has suffered at the hands of imperial Orion monarchs, its peoples backs broken by the labour entailed in supplying the Orion all they need to fuel their greed and decadence with minimum in return. Stransberg is even worse for those unnable or unfit to find work, the dark sodden underpasses their only shelter. Stories of the homeless snatched in the night by cut throat slave traders to work in Kambett mines or harvested for their organs are common place. Our couple are in no such danger, merely being affluent visitors. As they venture further towards the city center they walk beneath the gaze of cracked and weathered gargoyles, their faces almost wasted away by the caustic fluid that passes for rain. They stand remnants of an earlier dynasty when Stransberg was a bastion of culture and wondrous architecture, sitting on pedestals on top of a poorly cared for Gothic mausoleum, a faint hint of its formar splendour shines through the greyed rotting brick work. The duo take shelter from the smoggy storm in one of the mausoleums chasm like alcoves. “Phew! Man, I wish we'd rented a car now.” Phase frees his head from his large hooded jacket. “Told you so you foolish man.” Sofia shakes the rain out of her hair.
“Hey, a little rain never hurt anyone.” Sofia stands dwarfed by her heavily soaked designer jacket adorned on her slight frame, the poor piece of clothing was not made to endure such hardships “Are you kidding? It was a damn monsoon out there!” Phase waves away her overplaying with a smile. “Stop exaggerating, you’re such a drama queen.” Sofia stands hands on hips in a display of contentiousness. Phase covers his face with a thick scarf to prevent his lungs from being assaulted by the various noxious gasses lingering in the air. “You should cover your nose and mouth, the smog here is toxic.” Sofia complies with Phases advise, rooting in her bag for a specialized mask that cleanses the air of harmful elements. As a child she developed a severe case of pneumonia causing damage to her lungs and leaving her respiratory system

Edited by Mutter Aug 2006
Die Sonne scheint mir aus den Händen
kann verbrennen, kann euch blenden
wenn sie aus den Fäusten bricht
legt sich heiß auf das Gesicht
sie wird heut Nacht nicht untergehen
und die Welt zählt laut bis zehn


| 701 posts

21st Aug 2006 at 9:42 pm

Mutter oh gib mir Kraft

weakened. The newly masked Sofia makes for an amusing sight with her hair soaked and in disarray, her slender legs, clothed in thermal tights, protruding from the huge mass of water logged designer fabric. “I can't believe this, because of your thick headedness my coat is ruined.” Phase rolls his eyes, his beloveds focus on material possessions often irks him, but he is a man who loves her for her faults as well as her virtues. “We can afford a new coat.” Sofia continues her ardent stand of victim hood, albeit in a playful way. “That’s not the point, I love this coat.” Phase in full realization that Sofia sacrificed a lot to accompany him on this trip, feigns his defeat in this masquerade of a battle. “A nice new designer coat okay?” Even though her mouth is covered, the wrinkling of her eyes gives away Sofia's victorious smile. “Okay.” She lets an uncontrolled girlish giggle escape her mouth, before quickly moving her mind to another matter. “Is it me or does the rain burn here?”
“Acid rain hun.” Phase takes in the melancholic, poisoned scenery of the city, the night adding a morbid atmosphere to an already morose vista. Mol Mol the baby boundersnatch, best described as a cross between a joey kangaroo and a puppy, wriggles out of Sofia’s bag, adding a more cheerful aspect to the world around. Phase goes over to the little creature and tickles its chin. “Awww, look who it is.” The boundersnatch clambers out the bag and perches on Sofia's shoulder. “Hello my little baby, hee hee.” Mol Mol licks Sofia on the cheek and begins to play with her hair, much to Sofia's amusement and with the harder tugs, annoyance. Phase gently grabs hold of Mol Mol and places her back in her pouch. “I don’t think this kind of atmosphere is gonna do her any good. I hate this place, too much pollution, its like sucking on a car exhaust.” Sofia nods in agreement, before pointing her eyes at Phase ready to probe him for long unanswered questions. “ So you finally gonna tell me what it is that's so important that we had to fly up here straight away?” Phase blurts out his answer as if it is an automated response. “Business.” Frustrated, Sofia becomes bellicose, and this time the belligerence is real. “What kind of business?!”
“The classified kind.” Sofia not before able to get a follow up response is taken aback and has to allow herself time to process it. Phase has been known to take on classified work before, but he'd always discussed it in depth with her, why was he being so secretive this time? “Classified? You usually discuss these things with me.” Phase's demeanour makes no mistakes conveying he will not disclose anything further. “I gotta go meet a contact, go to Perez’s place on Cordey Street, here’s my key.” A few seconds silence pass between to couple, Sofia is desperate to know more but respects that Phase would not keep her uninformed without good reason. Sofia is part of a select band that know they can trust him when it comes to their well being. “Okay.” Phase places a comforting hand on her shoulder. “Try to keep a low profile.” They both know certain parties are tracking them, due to certain misdeeds they participated in. “I know the drill.” Sofia affixes her stare with Phase's. “This business of yours, it isn’t gonna put you in a body bag is it?” The possibility of this being a set up had crossed Phase's mind, but his only response was to keep eye contact to reassure Sofia his words are true. “No, well not today at least. If they do kill me, just have me stuffed and mounted in the bedroom, that way you wont miss me as much, plus no guy’s ever gonna want to get his funk on with you, not with the dead ex looking on.” Unamused by his blithe comment, Sofia gives Phase a whack. “Ouch!”
“Phaaase, don’t joke around about that kind of stuff.” She slaps him once again on the back. “Okay enough beating me already. I ain’t going to Valhalla any time soon.” The couple latch on to each other in an embracing hug. “You just be careful alright?”
“I’ll be extra paranoid just for you.” Phase kisses Sofia gently on the lips before releasing himself from her grip. “Bye, bye cuddle bug.”

Edited by Mutter Aug 2006
Die Sonne scheint mir aus den Händen
kann verbrennen, kann euch blenden
wenn sie aus den Fäusten bricht
legt sich heiß auf das Gesicht
sie wird heut Nacht nicht untergehen
und die Welt zählt laut bis zehn


| 701 posts

21st Aug 2006 at 9:43 pm

Mutter oh gib mir Kraft

“Bye shminky. I Love you.”
“Love you too.” Phase swaggers down Stransbergs main street as the svelte but assured figure of Sofia strides into the distance. Phase scopes the inns and the gangs that have congregated outside, sizing up any potential threats. Not even the most slack jawed steel worker or ruffian crippled by his over indulgence of alcohol dare speak an ill phrase towards Phase. His reputation carries great weight, all in town know that under the clothing is a perfectly trained body capable of great feats of strength and agility. Usually Phase would wind down in nice bar or billiard hall but this time his mind is focused on one thing only, instead he heads directly to the meeting point at an inn named the Redbrick Hotel. When he enters he is confronted with an ill cared for establishment, rusted chandeliers hanging perilously from the cracked ceiling, faded wallpaper barely clinging to the walls due to the damp and to cap it all off, mice scampering from one hole to another feasting on any scrap of food careslessly discarded by ill mannered and equaly unkempt staff. Phase steels himself and approaches the desk, carefuly watching his step. “Hello……….” The bucktoothed receptionist ignores Phase. “Yo, someone at reception here.” The receptionist glares at Phase from behind the desk. The woman's substandard face poorly disguised by the over application of cheap make up contorts into annoyed frown. “Wait a moment please.” She continues to gossip away on the phone, a conversation consisting of trivial gossip and random shrieking. Phase in his tense state of mind becomes indigent and bangs on the table with his fist. With a fit of brattish annoyance the receptionist ends her conversation. “Look I gotta go, I got some jerk at the desk.” Used to simple minded oiks Phase takes little notice of her insult. “Hey, I heard that, I ain’t no jerk, I just want you to do your job miss.” The receptionist smiles patronisingly at Phase. “How may I be of assistance?” Phase returns the fake politeness. “I got an appointment with a Mr. Leo Guerrero.” The receptionist checks her book “Oh yes, Mr. Guerrero has been expecting you.” She gives Phase an almost lifeless stare, creeping him out slightly. “Can you tell which room he’s in?” The receptionists demeanour transforms from uncaring and rude, to attentive and polite. The penny had finally dropped as to who it is she was actually dealing with. “Mr. Guerrero is in room 16. It's on the second floor.” The receptionist smiles moronically in a desperate attempt to make up for her previous ungracious treatment of Phase. “Thanks.” Phase takes in the locale, the kind of run-down establishment that is frequented by working girls and their inebriated clientell. The kind of pro that would use this place would need clients sufficiantly drunk so that they would overlook the fact they were paying for sex with what looked like a pig lathered with make up and wearing a dress. “I thought we’d meet up in a classier place than this. I am not feeling it.” This seemed an odd place to conduct important matters but he couldn't turn back now, he'd just have to put his doubts to the back of his mind and rely on his cunning and instinct to see him through, it'd yet to fail him yet after all. Phase looks disdainfully towards the receptionist before cautiously climbing the stairs, he approaches room sixteen, but leaves it for now. He edges towards room fourteen next door, the only other room adjoined to his destination. He quickly and expertly picks the lock, betraying his rather questionable speciality. He draws a seven inch dagger before cautiously edging into the apartment, shifting his weight perfectly through his feet causing no more disturbance than the cockroaches ambling through the carpet fibres feeding on some rather suspect and distasteful stains. He checks the living room but finds no signs of life, he makes sure to check every electrical device making sure the room is free of any suspect equipment, he isn't in the mood to become debris. He continues on into the kitchen only to find a saucepan that has just been used to cook soup and a few

Edited by Mutter Aug 2006
Die Sonne scheint mir aus den Händen
kann verbrennen, kann euch blenden
wenn sie aus den Fäusten bricht
legt sich heiß auf das Gesicht
sie wird heut Nacht nicht untergehen
und die Welt zählt laut bis zehn


| 701 posts

22nd Aug 2006 at 11:28 pm

Mutter oh gib mir Kraft

vials of a rather potent narcotic, also to be found is the abligatory nest of roaches feeding on the overturned wastebin along with a rat or two as companions. He checks the vials recognising the syrupy viscosity, and pinkish colouration common to a potent narcotic called dylaxium, a compound that simulates the effect of endorphines and stimulates the brains synapses to fire more rapidily causing a sense of higher awareness but also destroying the brains nuerons in the process. Phase and his crew had good knowledge of the narcotics trade from their dealings with the seedier elements of the underworld though they themselves never involved themselves with it. The smuggling and trading of narcotics was against the ethos of The Darkists, the ultra secretive group Phase was a prominent member of. The Darkists specialize in acueing wealth through stealing or discovering valuable treasures and acting as mercenaries available for hire, by people the Darkists considered honourable. The Darkists are said to follow the teachings of a rogue Rigan agent but what these teachings are, are known only by the highest echelon of the organization. Phase realises this room is nothing more than a drug squat, the sound of the animal grunts of couple having sex along with the squeal of rusty bedspring coming from the bedroom is enough to free Phase's mind of suspicion but not of the graphic images he'd rather not have floating around his psyche. He ghosts out of the apartment leaving the couple to their carnal pleasures. He locks his eyes on the door to room sixteen cautiously approaches, knocking on it with a firm fist. “Hello.” On the other side of the door Leo Guerrero calmly stands up approaching the door. “Who is it?” Phase takes a step back from the door.
“It’s Phase Magnusen.” Leo draws his gun before peering through the doors peep-hole to confirm Phases identity “Oh, so it is.” He opens the door and drags Phase in.
“Whoa, watch the threads.” Phase sees Leo's gun and reacts violently, grabbing Leo's gun weilding arm and twisting it before striking Leo's elbow joint forcefully with an open palm causing it to bend in a way it was not designed to, tearing the ligaments. The excruciating pain causes Leo to drop the gone, Phase continues his assault delivering a knee strike to Leo's solar plexus, before pinning Leo against the wall and drawing his dagger to his throat. Phase senses the presence of the guards in the background. The two heavily armoured guards holding plasma rifles take aim at Phase. “Calm down men.” He signals to the guards to lower their weapons. “Hello Mr. Magnusen. Quite an entrance you've made.” Phase looks Leo in the eye. “Hi. Nice to meet you....and your gun.”
“I was just being cautious.”
“ I'd rather the big guys placed their weapons on the desk there before I let you free.” Leo signals his men to comply, which they do with no hesitation. “They're well trained.” Leo says with a smug grin on his face.
Phase steps away calmly and sheaths the dagger. “Sorry, that’s just my natural reaction to being grabbed by someone holding a gun.” Leo straightens himself up and cradles his arm. “Sorry about that.” Phase apologises. “Instinct took over.” Leo takes his place behind his desk. “Don't worry about it, I’d have been disappointed if you didn’t attack me.”
“Why would that be?” Phase finds it odd that Leo would have be disappointed if he hadn't nearly broken his arm. “The way you handled the situation proves you're as sharp as they say you are. Please take a seat.” Phase obliges.
“Thanks. So that whole scenario was a test?”
“Yes it was, I apologise if it was a little full on.” Leo has one of his agents hand him a file from one of the filing cabinets. He lays it out on the desk and begins browsing through it. “I assume that you’re Leo Guerrero?

Edited by Mutter Aug 2006
Die Sonne scheint mir aus den Händen
kann verbrennen, kann euch blenden
wenn sie aus den Fäusten bricht
legt sich heiß auf das Gesicht
sie wird heut Nacht nicht untergehen
und die Welt zählt laut bis zehn


| 701 posts

22nd Aug 2006 at 11:31 pm

Mutter oh gib mir Kraft

“Not exactly, that’s one of my many aliases. But let's just stick to Leo for now.”
“Okay Leo, what do you the big guys behind you want with me?”
“I've noticed you've been quite busy lately.” Phase ponders what he means by busy.
“I've been doing a lot of country trekking if that's what you mean?”
“I'll be forthright with you, I'm very knowledgeable on who you are and what you've done.” Phase senses he's not dealing with some arms dealer, or another plutocrat seeking some industrial espionage. “And how did you become so knowledgeable?” Leo stands up and begins to pace. “You see I was told to be open with you, with a few exceptions, please understand that it is against my nature to be open. So forgive my discomfort. I know all about the heist you pulled of in Assyria, the one where you stole their orbital network control core.” It proves incomprehensible to Phase that Leo could know of any evidence or anything that would connect him to the heist. “You're mistaken, and I feel bad for you that you wasted yours and my time with this.” Leo casually picks up a report sheet from his file. “The subject known as Phase along with his associates Antonio Perez, Anne Lu Yiung, Sofia Clescenco and a Duk named Canthinquoci raided the Aram al Ittihad mountain base along with a brigade of Darkist militia and stole the control computer to all of Assyria's orbital weapons and reconnaissance satellites. Sultan Abdul Asari tried to track the computer but found to his frustration that its transponder had been dampened or disabled. Currently he has resorted to recruiting a legion of the best Krygz assassins from the extremities of his kingdom to seek retribution in his name. Makes for good reading.” Phase outward appearance seems unperturbed. “If you like fiction. I remember reading somethin' about this in a tabloid in Lechtstein, apparently the raiders left no traceable evidence that could identify them.”
“True, but to anyone in the know, it's quite obvious who did it. I am Charis Tsartas, I'm an agent for Senate intelligence. We unlike the Sultan were able to track the computer, it's currently being stored at a house of yours in Norselandde, Hagen to be exact.” A great sense of insecurity begins to descend upon Phase, feeling as though he's been stripped naked, realizing Phase's discomfort, Charis clarifies. “We do not intend to take this matter to the judiciary commision, we are not stupid enough to make enemies of the Darkists, we would much rather be allies. But that is for another day. Today is about recruiting you.”
“Recruiting me for what?”
“After the escalation of Orion's Imperialistic desires, certain powerful figures within the Senate council believe it is necessary to assemble a crack squad of elite mercenaries to serve as a mobile covert unit, performing off the record tasks, to avoid any diplomatic misunderstandings, I think you know the story.”
“Pretty much. I’m very flattered by all this but I wanna know why exactly I would gain from associating myself with you. Charis fumbles under the desk before producing a briefcase. “I can assure being a member of this group will in the long term prove very profitable for you. In this case are twenty thousand credits a token of our goodwill.” Phase is underwhelmed by the paltry offer.
“All you have to offer is money? I don’t need money, hell I’m richer than you.” Charis gives a knowing smile. “Please we aren’t that naïve.”
“Like I said, why would I want to be associated with you.” Charis detects the annoyance in Phase's tone, but he does not worry himself, he knows he has an ace up his sleeve. Cocksure, he gets to his feet. “What I'm about to show you has no meaning to me beyond its monetary value, but I've been assured you will find it quite mesmerizing.” Charis walks over to a formidable looking security safe. He takes the key from his pocket and carefully opens it up. Inside a glimmering and translucent

Edited by Mutter Aug 2006
Die Sonne scheint mir aus den Händen
kann verbrennen, kann euch blenden
wenn sie aus den Fäusten bricht
legt sich heiß auf das Gesicht
sie wird heut Nacht nicht untergehen
und die Welt zählt laut bis zehn


| 701 posts

25th Aug 2006 at 12:40 pm

Mutter oh gib mir Kraft

crystalline figure of the god Omega sits in all its luminescent glory. He picks up the statue and admires it briefly before placing it on the table in front of Phase. “This ornament was sourced by us and our friends, it comes directly from the Megidoen crater.” Phase's eyes become transfixed on the object. “Impossible, anyone who has gone into that place has never returned.” Charis relaxes back into his seat. “That is debatable.”
“What do you mean?” Everything Phase has read about the crater described of many explorers attempting to penetrate its impassable terrain, some succeeded but they were never heard from again. Three years ago Phase managed to hack into the Norselandde air force database after hearing rumours of a Askard class reconnaissance ship disappearing while attempting to survey the inner plateau of the crater. According to the report the ship picked a plethora of strong energy signatures before simply disappearing off radar. “I mean we have contacts with the ability to traverse the crater.” Phase is far from convinced. “This could easily have been forged.” Charis dismisses Phase's comment. “I don’t know personally what happened to those people that never returned, but I know this is a genuine artefact. It is made from Megidium crystal, and Megidium is found in only one place, as you well know. It can not be forged or replicated.” Charis offers Phase the use of an infra-red microscope. Phase is an expert in megidium, he'd managed at great expense to obtain a few shards of it for study, their is no doubt in his mind that this statuette is real. He makes sure however not to give anything away. “Why would I care about a 10’ 000 year old crater?”
“We know what you want. We know about the confrontation with the Slavian soldat unit outside Dukeda, they attacked a hunting party including your fiancé Sofia Clescenco and her adoptive father Ceedrik van Trobbe.”
“Your are good, the Slavian governments military records are guarded vehemently.”
“Let's just say we have our ways and leave it at that.” Charis removes another file from the folder. “It is well documented in the unit commanders’ report. 24 soldiers killed by the blade of one man who was part of a hunting party that had trespassed into Slavia. Of course the poor woman’s superiors didn’t except her explanation and sent her to Avalon. Now, how did a small built guy like you take down 24 armed soldiers with just a dagger?” Phase leans back in his chair. “I’m very muscular and agile.” Charis can't help but smile at Phase's audacity. “We know all about the power of Megido and how through some miracle you managed to channel it through your body without being burnt to a crisp.”
“What do you know about Megido?”
“That’s classified. I personally don’t know anything about Megido, but my superiors do.” Classified, Phase realized the truth about Megido was what they were gonna bait him with, more worrying still is in all honesty their was no way he could turn this down, his life's work has been to enter the crater and find answers to the many questions, questions connected to his very existence. It was his mentor the founder of the Darkists that first informed Phase of his unique beginnings, but like any nurturing figure he'd felt it unnecessary to leave it to Phase to seek out his true nature, to earn the knowledge of his origin and conception and the power that would come with it. “I must admit I'm very conflicted right now.” Charis himself is all too aware of the hardships involved in the line of work he's trying to persuade Phase to undertake. “I can understand that. If you decide to join us it will be a very dangerous undertaking, but I think you’ll find the rewards very worthwhile.”
“I’ll be the judge of that.”
“All I can say is at least view the evidence. We’ll allow you a trial period, if after that you want to discontinue your service we wont stop you, that is the biggest liberty you
Die Sonne scheint mir aus den Händen
kann verbrennen, kann euch blenden
wenn sie aus den Fäusten bricht
legt sich heiß auf das Gesicht
sie wird heut Nacht nicht untergehen
und die Welt zählt laut bis zehn


| 701 posts

25th Aug 2006 at 12:41 pm

Mutter oh gib mir Kraft

can expect from us.” The powers that be involved in the forming this organisation knew that Phase would not respond well to a long term commitment, they knew however that once Phase witnessed with his own eyes the power and danger of the forces coming he would commit to the fight, right to the bitter end. “That is a big liberty, you really want me don't you?”
“Don't let it go to your head” Charis puts on a more official and aggressive demeanour. “The biggest truth you can expect from us is that if you disclose any confidential information to anyone outside of our organisation with the risk or intention of it falling into enemy hands, we will order for the termination of you or anyone connected with you at our discretion. Do not discuss anything said in this room to anyone, if you do you risk their life as well as your own.” A biting reality hits home for Phase, if he undertakes this mission, he and Sofia will have be apart for sometime. “I know you are a good man who cares deeply for your friends and especially for your fiancé but for yours and hers safety once you have committed to this you cannot have any contact with her.” Phase hunches forward sensing a headache brewing. “Sigh…I know. “You're a b*st*rd for manipulating me like this, you know I have no choice.” This is a situation Charis knows all too well. “I know how you feel, I’m cursed by the love bug as well, I’ve been at this for 12 years, my wife and my kids think I’m an international ambassador. At least you don’t have to lie to her, just be frugal with the info. Okay?” Phase appreciates Charis's words. “Who said I was signing up?” He says in jokey tone. “You won’t let yourself walk away from this. This is a long time assignment but not a lifetime commitment, your salary will be performance based. If you want to find out about Megido than I strongly suggest you accept our offer. If you do except it I’ll be your handler and if you need one your friend.”
“I’ll give it serious thought.” Phase stands up. “I've thought about it, I accept.” Charis gives a gleeful wide eyed smile. “You will not regret this Mr. Magnusen.” The duo exchange a firm handshake. “It's been delightful talking with you Mr. Magnusen, don’t call us we’ll call you.” Phase is slightly caught of guard by the abrupt end to the meeting. “Just like that?”
“Just like that. In my line of work haste is a necessity. Oh wait one more thing.” He throws Phase a credit card. “For your friends in Phema, the ones that run the junk shop, I know you don’t like leaving people in the lurch, especially with the pirates from Boom City moving in.” Phase is duly impressed by the generosity shown. “It’ll be a pleasure working with you.” Phase gets up to leave. “Likewise. I’m going to be heading straight to my superiors to inform them of your acceptance and formulate a plan of action.” Charis instructs his guards to start packing up the equipment, the Omega statuette is delicately placed back in its safe. “Any idea who I'm gonna be working with yet?”
“We are looking at a few promising subjects. You will be joined by the best, I can promise you that. Well good day to you.” Phase begins to exit through the door, but is halted by Charis. “Oh one more, one more thing. What’s with the blue hair?”
“It’s an image thing.” Charis smirks. “Not very good camouflage, that hairstyle’ll glow in the dark.” Phase responds, not particularly appreciating Charis's fashion critique. “I found an amazing new invention that you wear on your head, its called a hat.” An amused Charis bids farewell once more. “Good bye, good health.”
“See ya.” Phase saunters off to be reunited with he sweet heart, his mind plaqued with the dilemma of telling Sofia. How would she react? Would she understand? Or, the scenario he dreaded the most, would he have to choose between her and his ever consuming quest.
Die Sonne scheint mir aus den Händen
kann verbrennen, kann euch blenden
wenn sie aus den Fäusten bricht
legt sich heiß auf das Gesicht
sie wird heut Nacht nicht untergehen
und die Welt zählt laut bis zehn

Πανδώρα: Beefy cheesemas to all, and to all a gravy brie
Rayanne Graff: Happy Easter.
IGH: Just who was The Brigadier
ratammer: squeak
IGH: Wibble
Vel: *sigh*
Emma: Hi VR...
Princess Psycho: Hi I am back in the UK so how are everyone been keeping. Has Fluffy had that little accident yet?
Rayanne Graff: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Lucozade Lover: Happy New Year!
Crinkle-Cut Beatroot: Happy new year <3
Rayanne Graff: Happy Easter.
Emma: So… Posting a new thread is Fission Mailing… so I’m putting this here.
Emma: I know there aren’t many people looking at this anymore… but I have made the decision to stop paying for the VR hosting and to let the domain lapse.
Emma: I think it will be going offline around the end of May
Emma: It’s been almost 10 years since James passed away… and I feel like it’s time.
Emma: A lot of the regulars can be found on the VR veterans group on Facebook - if you see this and you’re not in there, come join us.


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