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Rayanne Graff

| 76,001 posts

14th Feb 2011 at 8:55 pm

Rayanne Graff - River Phoenix

River Phoenix

They're on page 81 of this thread and page 1 of the Gallery's Members section.

Rayanne Graff

| 76,001 posts

14th Feb 2011 at 9:09 pm

Rayanne Graff - River Phoenix

River Phoenix

It's all right, mofo.


| 11,949 posts

20th Feb 2011 at 12:41 pm

Dinglebutt - I aim to misbehave

I aim to misbehave

Gym this morning. First time in a few weeks. Walked for 7 minutes at 6km/h, which I know isn't a lot, but that's as much as I could do without buckling my leg. Hell of a cycle and a good few weights though. Wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be.

Trouble is, I find it a lot harde to go to the gym twice a week than to go 4 times a week. But with the way I'm working, I can't make it 4 times a week. Might try walking in the evenings for a bit.

Either way, hell of an appetite worked up for this family dinner. 3 course carvery (though I hate carvery).
Mal: Appears we got here just in the nick of time. What does that make us?
Zoë: Big damn heroes, sir.
Mal: Ain't we just.


| 11,949 posts

20th Feb 2011 at 8:10 pm

Dinglebutt - I aim to misbehave

I aim to misbehave

Quote: Super Nintendo Chalmers, Feb 2011
Quote: the doc, Feb 2011
Quote: Super Nintendo Chalmers, Feb 2011
Quote: Barrington, Feb 2011
Gym this morning. First time in a few weeks. Walked for 7 minutes at 6km/h, which I know isn't a lot, but that's as much as I could do without buckling my leg. Hell of a cycle and a good few weights though. Wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be.

Trouble is, I find it a lot harde to go to the gym twice a week than to go 4 times a week. But with the way I'm working, I can't make it 4 times a week. Might try walking in the evenings for a bit.

Either way, hell of an appetite worked up for this family dinner. 3 course carvery (though I hate carvery).

How can you hate carveries!?

I don't like them either. Proper stingy with the meat, they are, and if you get there at the wrong time all the veg is cold. If I want a proper roast dinner I either chip off to me mam's house or make one myself

You lot must go to some sh*t carveries! The two I frequent are mint, loads of meat, and the veg is always fantastic

Usually less of a selection. Sometimes you end up getting scraps from the end of a piece of meat. Been sitting out for a while. Servers not paying attention to what they're at. Plus a carvery doesn't suit a 3 course meal.

Turns out it wasn't carvery though. There was a carvery, but we were served by waitresses etc. Pretty good.
Mal: Appears we got here just in the nick of time. What does that make us?
Zoë: Big damn heroes, sir.
Mal: Ain't we just.


| 11,949 posts

3rd Jul 2011 at 8:36 pm

Dinglebutt - I aim to misbehave

I aim to misbehave

Okay, I'm just going to come right out and say it:

I'm fatter now than when I started this whole thing.

Between September and December 2009, I went from 260 to 238, getting down to 17 stone for the first time in ages. then I ended up putting a bit back on. Then I moved to Slane, and due to laziness of having to cook for myself, and some personal issues with my grandfather being in such a bad way, I ended up at around 255. So started losing weight again and got down to 244. Was finally hitting my stride and losing weight with pretty minimal effort, especially I was a lot more strict with food.

Then, got the information that I was going to be put on a 3 day work week after Christmas, and therefore, would have to move home. This hit me pretty hard. I figured, with a 3 day work week, at least I'd be able to hit the gym more. But I ended up not doing any 3 day weeks at all due to us getting a bit busier. So working full time again, and being at home, fell back into my old laziness routine and eating pure sh*te. Weighed myself last week. 270. The heaviest I've ever been.

So, I've been eating healthier for the past week or so. Haven't rejoined the gym yet, but just back from a 13km cycle, hopefully the first of many. I'll go to the gym at weekends, but during the week is going to be the hardest. Because I collect and drop home my workmate, it means I get home a fair bit later than I used to. Thinking maybe cycling or walking in the evenings instead. I'd love to go to the gym in the mornings but the one I normally go to doesn't open early enough. The only other one is a sh*t gym which, if I joined, would mean I could go some mornings, but would make me less likely to go on weekends because it's a fair bit further away.

Anyway, hopefully first of many posts here over the next few months. Haven't set myself a target yet. I'd love to say I lost 100lbs, but thatd make me just over 12 stone, which given muscle weight I'll likely put on, and the fact I'm 6th, is probably unreachable. Once I'm under 200lbs by this time next year, I'll be happy enough.
Mal: Appears we got here just in the nick of time. What does that make us?
Zoë: Big damn heroes, sir.
Mal: Ain't we just.


| 11,949 posts

5th Jul 2011 at 9:37 pm

Dinglebutt - I aim to misbehave

I aim to misbehave

3lbs down since last week. Still can't decide which gym to go for though
Mal: Appears we got here just in the nick of time. What does that make us?
Zoë: Big damn heroes, sir.
Mal: Ain't we just.

Albert Johanneson

| 14,477 posts

6th Jul 2011 at 1:32 am

Albert Johanneson - Outside-left


So, I quit playing rugby in February 2010 and didn't replace it with anything until two months ago, when I start playing 6-a-side. I think I've had 8 weeks playing now, and I've noticed big improvements in my short sprint durability despite playing 30 minutes of every 60 minute game in goal. Another thing that helps is that I'm mad busy at work now, and working on your feet like a blue arsed fly for 8 hours a day is what helped me stay in decent shape when I used to work for 'Spoons, so it's good to be getting back in to such a hectic work routine.

I've also come to terms with knowing that if I don't do something about it now, it's never going to change. That's been the biggest catalyst more than anything - I actually want the change rather than just seeing it as a good idea.


| 11,949 posts

13th Jul 2011 at 7:29 pm

Dinglebutt - I aim to misbehave

I aim to misbehave

Another 13km cycle done (been p*ssing rain all week, but it's f*cking lovely out this evening). Beat my personal best (wasn't hard as I've only done it once), didn't have to stop for as many breaks (which also would have helped with the PB time), and actually cycled up two hills that I had to walk last time (I'm not going to say anything self-deprecating in these brackets, I deserve to feel good about that one).

All this because of my new motto: "Man the f*ck up!"
Mal: Appears we got here just in the nick of time. What does that make us?
Zoë: Big damn heroes, sir.
Mal: Ain't we just.


| 11,949 posts

14th Jul 2011 at 12:48 pm

Dinglebutt - I aim to misbehave

I aim to misbehave

Quote: Gob, Jul 2011
Quote: Buster, Jul 2011
Another 13km cycle done (been p*ssing rain all week, but it's f*cking lovely out this evening). Beat my personal best (wasn't hard as I've only done it once), didn't have to stop for as many breaks (which also would have helped with the PB time), and actually cycled up two hills that I had to walk last time (I'm not going to say anything self-deprecating in these brackets, I deserve to feel good about that one).

All this because of my new motto: "Man the f*ck up!"

Come on!


Edited by Dinglebutt Jul 2011
Mal: Appears we got here just in the nick of time. What does that make us?
Zoë: Big damn heroes, sir.
Mal: Ain't we just.

Tobias Fünke

| 4,730 posts

14th Jul 2011 at 4:23 pm

Tobias Fünke  - I blue myself.

I blue myself.



| 11,949 posts

24th Jul 2011 at 1:12 pm

Dinglebutt - I aim to misbehave

I aim to misbehave

13km cycle yesterday. Finally managed to stand up on the bike cycling again, and therefore crushed the hill I had been struggling on (well, still f*cked after it, but not as much and quicker than I had been).

9km cycle this morning. Was going to do the 13km again but as soon as I got on the bike I knew I wouldn't make it. F*cking a*se is killing me. And I didn't even have any gay sex this week.

Chain keeps coming off when I switch to the 3rd set of gears, and has trouble changing back down to the 2nd set, I have to switch it down to the first set and back up to the second.

Either way, good stuff.
Mal: Appears we got here just in the nick of time. What does that make us?
Zoë: Big damn heroes, sir.
Mal: Ain't we just.


| 11,949 posts

1st Aug 2011 at 3:47 pm

Dinglebutt - I aim to misbehave

I aim to misbehave

Down half a stone in about 3 weeks. Off work this week, so planning some major gym/bike stuff. Cycled 16km today. So weather-permitting, my plan is gym tomorrow, 16km Wednesday, gym Thursday, 9km Friday, gym Saturday, and hopefully if I think I'm up to it, 30km Sunday (if not, I'll do the 16km and aim for a personal best time). Plan to lose about 4lbs this week, making hay while the sun shines.
Mal: Appears we got here just in the nick of time. What does that make us?
Zoë: Big damn heroes, sir.
Mal: Ain't we just.

Rayanne Graff

| 76,001 posts

1st Aug 2011 at 4:00 pm

Rayanne Graff - River Phoenix

River Phoenix

Well done to Baz for losing half a stone. [Clapping.gif]


| 11,949 posts

3rd Aug 2011 at 9:05 pm

Dinglebutt - I aim to misbehave

I aim to misbehave

Quote: Buster, Aug 2011
Down half a stone in about 3 weeks. Off work this week, so planning some major gym/bike stuff. Cycled 16km today. So weather-permitting, my plan is gym tomorrow, 16km Wednesday, gym Thursday, 9km Friday, gym Saturday, and hopefully if I think I'm up to it, 30km Sunday (if not, I'll do the 16km and aim for a personal best time). Plan to lose about 4lbs this week, making hay while the sun shines.

Change of plans. Went to gym yesterday and cycled today as planned, but I'm going to take tomorrow off as I am fooked and don't want to overdo it. Either way, I've now lost 10lbs at this stage. The combat shorts I wear on the bike have definitely become looser
Mal: Appears we got here just in the nick of time. What does that make us?
Zoë: Big damn heroes, sir.
Mal: Ain't we just.


| 11,949 posts

7th Aug 2011 at 4:08 pm

Dinglebutt - I aim to misbehave

I aim to misbehave

Quote: Gob, Aug 2011
Quote: Buster, Aug 2011
Quote: Buster, Aug 2011
Down half a stone in about 3 weeks. Off work this week, so planning some major gym/bike stuff. Cycled 16km today. So weather-permitting, my plan is gym tomorrow, 16km Wednesday, gym Thursday, 9km Friday, gym Saturday, and hopefully if I think I'm up to it, 30km Sunday (if not, I'll do the 16km and aim for a personal best time). Plan to lose about 4lbs this week, making hay while the sun shines.

Change of plans. Went to gym yesterday and cycled today as planned, but I'm going to take tomorrow off as I am fooked and don't want to overdo it. Either way, I've now lost 10lbs at this stage. The combat shorts I wear on the bike have definitely become looser

Amazing stuff mate Definitely a motivator when you start seeing results as well. If you don't mind me asking, what's your diet been like?

Cheers lad. Haven't gone overboard on the diet yet, just cut out all the sh*te, reduced carbs and looking closer at the calories and stuff. I'd say just with that and the exercise, should get me to half my target anyway. Then I'll start monitoring it more
Mal: Appears we got here just in the nick of time. What does that make us?
Zoë: Big damn heroes, sir.
Mal: Ain't we just.

Vel: *sigh*
Emma: Hi VR...
Princess Psycho: Hi I am back in the UK so how are everyone been keeping. Has Fluffy had that little accident yet?
Rayanne Graff: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Lucozade Lover: Happy New Year!
Crinkle-Cut Beatroot: Happy new year <3
Rayanne Graff: Happy Easter.
Emma: So… Posting a new thread is Fission Mailing… so I’m putting this here.
Emma: I know there aren’t many people looking at this anymore… but I have made the decision to stop paying for the VR hosting and to let the domain lapse.
Emma: I think it will be going offline around the end of May
Emma: It’s been almost 10 years since James passed away… and I feel like it’s time.
Emma: A lot of the regulars can be found on the VR veterans group on Facebook - if you see this and you’re not in there, come join us.
Crinkle-Cut Beatroot: What's the facebook group called? I couldn't find it...
IGH: And so it ends
Captain Spiky: I've just been loving life, going through the photos in the Meets gallery. so many awesome people that I loved hanging out with

