Scary Hallowe'en Project 2007.

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Megazine Letters.

| 3,425 posts

11th Oct 2007 at 11:39 am

Megazine Letters. - You! Me! Milkshakes!

You! Me! Milkshakes!

Hi. I thought of an idea for Mega-zine.

We could try to write lots of spooky and scary letters for Maga-zine on Hallowe'en.

It would be pretty cool and fun, I think. We could try to make a whole day of VR letters, maybe.

Please does anyone want to write a Hallowe'eny letter at-all?

Halloze'en. :-[



| 10,038 posts

11th Oct 2007 at 1:09 pm

Colin -

Quote: Megazine_Letters
Hi. I thought of an idea for Mega-zine.

We could try to write lots of spooky and scary letters for Maga-zine on Hallowe'en.

It would be pretty cool and fun, I think. We could try to make a whole day of VR letters, maybe.  

Please does anyone want to write a Hallowe'eny letter at-all?

Halloze'en. :-[

Don't we Halloze'en every year?
I ever-so-slightly remember my letter from last year, it was about some kid called Darun or something similar - a weird corruption of a male name beginning with D... I think he had a surname too, but I don't recall it... and he lost his fingers. I did scary band name puns, too, I think.
Anyway, I'm in! Maybe another scary pun list, too.

Chris Kamara

| 24,049 posts

12th Oct 2007 at 6:51 pm

Chris Kamara -

Me too, if I can think of something!

Megazine Letters.

| 3,425 posts

15th Oct 2007 at 2:12 pm

Megazine Letters. - You! Me! Milkshakes!

You! Me! Milkshakes!


It is all the letters in 2005 and 2006. - I hope they help you think of lots of spooky ideas.


Page Vun.

Little Gruesome Fox. Happy Hallowe'en! Mwahahahah!

Screaming Spiky Stuy. I'm back! Aaaah!

Emma-the-lil-fallen-angel. I'm back too! AAAAH! The horror!

Page Two.

"It's aliiive!".

One dark and stormy night, with bolts of lightning and a mind of vitriol, madness and loneliness, I tried to create my perfect boyfriend.
But, oh, I was so foolish to disturb nature. - I've created an unlovable monster.
He has orange hair. And freckles! On his arms!!
What have I done?

Little Becky HeadWounds.

Maybe it is you who is

Page Three.

Trick or Treat?

Ah, Halloween. The only time of the year when people can give strange small children sweets without getting lynched by Daily Mail readers.
A few children came round my door, actually. One was dressed as a witch, and so naturally I told her to wait 'til I got the matches so I could burn her, because that's what we do to witches.
I was joking, of course. I didn't have any matches.

Freshly Strangled Cynic.

You should save some of them

Page Four.

The Horrible Halloween Monster.

I lie in my bed, terrible and old, watching the street lights glow and dance when a noise peels me away from my thoughts. It's a low hum, like some sort of Horrible Halloween Monster!! "Oh no", I screamed, monsters are notoriously bad news. I curled up in bed awaiting the monster's venomous fangs...the tension mounted... I feared every new noise..."tick...tock" went the incessant clock...I waited.
The following day, after surviving, I realised it was all a dream.

Topper Van Dort.

Are you sure

Page Five.

Hallowe'en brings out the evil in us all.

I watched silently as she took the knife, gleaming silver in the moonlight, the blood dark in patches a quietly dripping to the floor. She stabbed inwards, a violent movement, carving out an eye, a nose, teeth.
Orange flesh fell to the floor, the smell of guts and gore carried in the still, humid air. I switched on the light. There on the floor were the severed limbs of my fellow kitchen members, decapitated heads, blank eyes staring vacantly.
Tough break, lasses. Shouldn't have forced me to listen to James sodding Blunt.

Elden Braaains.

They got what

Page Six.


I asked out a girl with a pink scarf and cool black hair.
She said yes, but also she said she is a vampire, too. It is so exciting!
We are going to show everyone how to count properly, and also we are going to drink all their blood in our eternal twilight darkness.

Little Wooo000ooo Fox.

Awww - that's so sweet.

Page Seven.

The Raven (Final Verse).

And the Raven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting,
On the pallid bust of Pallas just above my chamber door;
And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming,
And the lamp-light o'er him streaming throws his shadow on the floor,
And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor
Shall be lifted - nevermore!

Edgar Allen Poe.

Nameless here for ever more

*Today's Hallowe'en Megazine was screamed at you in the keys of A, and C; and also by the number 6.

*Happy Hallowe'en!

----- -----


Page One.

Hallowe'en Playlist.

- Scareosmith.
- The Tragic Numbers.
- Bad Apparition.
- The Shivertines.
- Fright Eyes.
- Patrick Werewolf.
- Radiodead.
- The Ghostal Service.

Vigiphantom Maelstrom.

Call me W-Hell-W for the day, VM. And I'm a big fan of Ghouls Aloud myself...

Page Two.

Toilet Ghosts.

Sometimes on dark nights, peanuts come back to haunt bathrooms everywhere! They appear by dreadful magic in the toilet wit the devil's sweet corn and on occasion the hell spawn sesame seed demons!
To spot these paranormal activities, you need Yvette Fielding, a strong stomach and to be brave enough to face sulphurous smells from beneath.

The Horrible Harpie Nesting on Lord Sebastian Flyte's Pumpkin.

Sounds like a job for Mabel Mop to me.

Page Threeeeaaagh!

Not-So-Fancy Dress.

Ahh Halloween is upon us once again, the one time in the year where it's OK for me to dress up as a woman. Why, you may ask, wouldn't Dracula be more appropriate? But what's scarier than a 6'4" bearded man in a flowery dress.

Fluffy The Evil One.

A 6'4" bearded woman in a flowery dress perhaps? Mabel just doesn't listen - floral prints do nothing for her.

Page Four.


Screams. Terror. Pain. Horror. The horror! Help...please help. Foolish. So foolish. Arrogant. Videotape. Cursed. Haunted. Death. Dead. Seven days. Darkness. Helpless. Princess Nikki. Complete first season.

Little Wooo000ooo Fox.

So that means Nikki is stuck down a well somewhere? Best leave her there.

Page Five.

The True Horror.

Here's a tip for the most frightening costume to wear trick or treating this Halloween. It's not a ghost, or a werewolf, or a witch, or a vmpire. It's not even a James Blunt mask and cape. No, the most terrifying doorstep apparition possible in October is that red-coated buffoon himself, Father Christmas.
Go away until December, old man!

Insane Jam Sow.

Ignore Santa, he's just a stooge. The real power lies in the elves.

Page SixSixSix.


There are trolls in my flat. They are lovely...except on Halloween, when they turn into zombies. Who will save me? Perhaps Elden Ray will let me hide in her time machine. Maybe Vigilante Maelstrom will zap them with his glasses. Or perhaps One Winged Angel and Satan's Little Helper will lend me a sword and a pitchfork.
You'll help me won't you, 'Ziners? Hey, where'd you go?

Smashed Strawberry, Hector's House.

Sword? Pitchfork? A simple keyring is usually enough to enslave them.

Page Seven.

Acid Rain.

So there I was, kicking about when some clouds came over and acid rain popped out. Now you might think that this would only be dangerous to monuments and limestone and stuff, but no. First, it stripped everyone to their dermatalogical layers and then changed everyone into Halifax's Howard.
Plus, we now have vampire cows. Spooky.

Standard Class Beta.

Bet that turned them into a real laughing stock.

Page *Eight*.
A Ghost Story.
I live in the most haunted village in Britain. We have been cursed.
Our houses were built on the site of an horrific medieval battle.
The fallen knights haunt us. They scream and whisper, invading/and invade our sleep with visions of their terrible slaughters.
We cry, oh, we cry, awaiting our exorcism.

Blossom Black Shadow (of Death!).

You've really captured the spirit of the Halloween 'Zine there, Blossom.

- Grrr. Aaargh.



| 98 posts

26th Oct 2007 at 3:15 pm

VR kicks ass!

Well I can't say my inbox is heaving with Hallow-Zine letters. It's looking like a fizzer at this stage.
Please, save my blushes and put pen to spooky paper!


| 2,740 posts

26th Oct 2007 at 3:27 pm

leftthisplace28-12-07 - Lord Sebastian Flyte.The one in white.

Lord Sebastian Flyte.The one in white.

I will try to think of something..
I haven't been manicial all these years I have been in love! It is the exact same dreadful feeling.


| 10,038 posts

27th Oct 2007 at 1:22 pm

Colin -

I've got a feature film planned! I'll send you the trailer first, but it's still in post-production...

Little Blue Fox.

| 4,256 posts

29th Oct 2007 at 11:44 am

Little Blue Fox. - Hope is important.

Hope is important.

I sent my letter today.
It hurts too much not to try.
I will see you in another life when we are both cats.
Quod perditum est, in venietur.*Facebook.

Rayanne Graff

| 76,001 posts

2nd Nov 2007 at 9:51 am

Rayanne Graff - River Phoenix

River Phoenix

i liked it.

IGH: Just who was The Brigadier
ratammer: squeak
IGH: Wibble
Vel: *sigh*
Emma: Hi VR...
Princess Psycho: Hi I am back in the UK so how are everyone been keeping. Has Fluffy had that little accident yet?
Rayanne Graff: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Lucozade Lover: Happy New Year!
Crinkle-Cut Beatroot: Happy new year <3
Rayanne Graff: Happy Easter.
Emma: So… Posting a new thread is Fission Mailing… so I’m putting this here.
Emma: I know there aren’t many people looking at this anymore… but I have made the decision to stop paying for the VR hosting and to let the domain lapse.
Emma: I think it will be going offline around the end of May
Emma: It’s been almost 10 years since James passed away… and I feel like it’s time.
Emma: A lot of the regulars can be found on the VR veterans group on Facebook - if you see this and you’re not in there, come join us.
Crinkle-Cut Beatroot: What's the facebook group called? I couldn't find it...


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