Lots of Megazine-y Questions.

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Megazine Letters.

| 3,425 posts

23rd Dec 2005 at 11:22 am

Megazine Letters. - You! Me! Milkshakes!

You! Me! Milkshakes!

What is your Mega-zine name?

Do you wirte to Mega-zine still, and also how often do you write?

Do you read Mega-zine still?

How did you find Mega-zine?

Which current/recent Mega-ziners do you think are really good?

Which current/recent Mega-ziners do you think are really bad and annoying?

Who are your bestest Mega-ziners ever?

Who are your worstest Mega-ziners ever?

Which is your favourite letter you have sent?


Chris Kamara

| 24,049 posts

23rd Dec 2005 at 1:49 pm

Chris Kamara -

What is your Mega-zine name?
Farmer Jack

Do you wirte to Mega-zine still, and also how often do you write?
No, I've not written in for a good six months.

Do you read Mega-zine still?
No, very rarely. Usually I'll read a Zine thread if there has been a lot of replies, but I don't often read them to be entertained anymore.

How did you find Mega-zine?
I think I typed in the wrong page number on my TV remote. Many many years ago.

Which current/recent Mega-ziners do you think are really good?
To be honest, I don't know most of the current ones. Paddy Irishman and Topper are two of my favourites though, although I know Topper doesn't write in now, and Samurai Hedgehog.

Which current/recent Mega-ziners do you think are really bad and annoying?
Emma the-lil-Angel unquestionably. I can't remember half of the Ziners that used to annoy me.

Who are your bestest Mega-ziners ever? (not in order)
Topper, Paddy Irishman, Grimble Gromble, DimGirl (from the molehole), Parsley Possum, Galder Weatherwax's Hat, 1929, Samurai Hedgehog... probably more, but I have to stop at some point.

Who are your worstest Mega-ziners ever?
Spiky Stuy seemed something of a one trick pony, always a similar letter... Emma the-lil-Angel.. I don't know many of the newer Ziners and I'm struggling to remember the old ones. I only really remember Ziners that I like. Sorry.

Which is your favourite letter you have sent?
Agh. I've no idea. I will try and think and edit this at some point.

23rd Dec 2005 at 2:25 pm

What is your Mega-zine name?
Dark Grey Wolf of Norbex

Do you wirte to Mega-zine still, and also how often do you write?
Yes. Erm, it depends weather I can think of anything and weather I can be bothered.

Do you read Mega-zine still?

How did you find Mega-zine?
Some person at school who used to write in told me about it.

Which current/recent Mega-ziners do you think are really good?
Hmm. DeLorian, Briggy, One Winged Angel. Radcliffe, Gutless Wonder

Which current/recent Mega-ziners do you think are really bad and annoying?
Emma Lil Angel, Becky Bigmouth, Punk Princess, Dalek, Dadypoos, So Many Fish/Too Many Fish (forget which is the correct name)

Who are your bestest Mega-ziners ever?
Hmm. Pretty much the same as the current as I can't remember much about the past Ziners

Who are your worstest Mega-ziners ever?
Pretty much the same but with a few additions.

Which is your favourite letter you have sent?
Hmm. Probably between the one where I said I got mugged by a goat/squirrel, or the Powers That Be letter or any of the letters from the war with Possum.
Hideous Defunct Creation

Dr Namgge

| 14,541 posts

23rd Dec 2005 at 3:05 pm

What is your Mega-zine name?
Dr Namgge (unless i'm talking about comedy, in which case i'm Comic Critic) I also tried under other (unprinted) guises

Do you wirte to Mega-zine still, and also how often do you write?
yes but only if I think it's worth it / have nothing else worth doing

Do you read Mega-zine still?
yes but I occasionally forget

How did you find Mega-zine?
by accident, I was reading Gamecentral when (for some unknown reason) the page switched to megazine, I found it funny and kept reading

Which current/recent Mega-ziners do you think are really good?
err, Paddy Irishman and Farmer Jack

Which current/recent Mega-ziners do you think are really bad and annoying?
Norman Radcliffe

Who are your bestest Mega-ziners ever?
I've only been on it for about 14 months so it's probably the same

Who are your worstest Mega-ziners ever?
see above

Which is your favourite letter you have sent?
I can't say I have a favourite although the 'Things to do on various gameshow' mini series made me laugh while I was writing it
A Random Link
I don't give a f*ck you f*cking f*ck!

You should try being me, I injure myself on an hourly basis in stupid and childish ways. I nearly gave myself a heart attack this morning when I stood on a glove.


| 1,219 posts

23rd Dec 2005 at 3:35 pm

Is the avatar upload thing broken?

What is your Mega-zine name?
Hurri. But I used to use Some Random Piece Of Randomness.

Do you write to Mega-zine still, and also how often do you write?
Sometimes, not very often. haven't for a while.

Do you read Mega-zine still?

How did you find Mega-zine?
Random Teletexting in the mid 1990s

Which current/recent Mega-ziners do you think are really good?
Zine's not what it used to be...

Which current/recent Mega-ziners do you think are really bad and annoying?
Unfortunately the majority are.. There's the occasional good one.. Strangely most of the good ones are VR members. Interesting.

Who are your bestest Mega-ziners ever?
I can't think of any really good ones off the top of my head, but. y'know, the old school ones who aren't about any more.

Who are your worstest Mega-ziners ever?
....Hmm. Everyone has their own Zine style. Yeah, that'll do.

Which is your favourite letter you have sent?
I haven't sent anything worthwhile.. Just crap.


| 10,181 posts

23rd Dec 2005 at 3:42 pm

klinsmann18 - Matt.


My megazine name was 'overcome with emulsion'

I only ever sent two letters and they both got printed. But that was about 4 years ago, long before i came on here.

I still read it now and again.

As for all the other questions, i cant answer, as i never really took any notice of who the people were.

Still, i did make a contribution to zine, however small and insignificant it was.
When you get here, the Welcome To This Town sign, it scares little kids with it's skulls and it's gore
When you leave here, the Get The Hell Out sign is well kept and pretty with floral decor

Me and Jez - King and Queen lobster spam team!!


| 6,773 posts

23rd Dec 2005 at 5:15 pm

Topper - Dismantling a person is sometimes necessary...

Dismantling a person is sometimes necessary...

What is your Mega-zine name? Topper and Stuttercut

Do you wirte to Mega-zine still, and also how often do you write? Nope

Do you read Mega-zine still? Sometimes, although usually just the first line of most letters

How did you find Mega-zine? Can't remember to be honest

Which current/recent Mega-ziners do you think are really good? Vigilante Maelstrom, Paddy Irishman, Elden Ray

Which current/recent Mega-ziners do you think are really bad and annoying? Emma's were annoying

Who are your bestest Mega-ziners ever? Farmer Jack, 1929, Samurai, Pablo, God, the've been loads of good people

Who are your worstest Mega-ziners ever? Emma, most probably

Which is your favourite letter you have sent? Either my first one ever, as it was my first...or maybe one I wrote about dogs getting caught in hair, something along those lines, I can't really remember most of them, I was largely drunk
I hope some day, for some reason, David Duchovny is investigated by the FBI. Because that would make a great story.


The Man from Southampton

| 3,794 posts

23rd Dec 2005 at 5:35 pm

equality, tolerance & logic

What is your Mega-zine name?
[glb]Mr. Lister. Gay.[/glb]
Do you write to Mega-zine still, and also how often do you write?
[glb] Once a month[/glb]
Do you read Mega-zine still?
How did you find Mega-zine?
[glb] teletext. i was looking around you see[/glb]
Which current/recent Mega-ziners do you think are really good?
[glb] Elden Ray[/glb]
Which current/recent Mega-ziners do you think are really bad and annoying?
[glb] text talk people sorry guys [/glb]
Who are your bestest Mega-ziners ever?
[glb] Farmer Jack[/glb]
Who are your worstest Mega-ziners ever?
[glb] ME[/glb]
Which is your favourite letter you have sent?
[glb]dont know yet[/glb]
Now is that salary pre or post tax?  

100% of Earth's population agrees with the following statement.

"Forces should be spending their time catching rapists and murders and not worry about piracy theft."

John Cage Bubblegum

| 6,555 posts

23rd Dec 2005 at 5:46 pm

John Cage Bubblegum -

What is your Mega-zine name? Samurai Hedgehog, obviously. There was another one too, but I can't remember what it was. I think it went along the lines of Inconsequential Squirrel, or something equally daft.

Do you wirte to Mega-zine still, and also how often do you write? Very rarely these days. Although it does still occasionally take my fancy to do so.

Do you read Mega-zine still? Again, very rarely. I don't actually have proper Teletext at uni or the internet, so that makes it a tad difficult.

How did you find Mega-zine?I don't know. I think a fellow Digitiser fan recommended it to me.

Which current/recent Mega-ziners do you think are really good? You'll have to excuse my lack of current 'Zine knowledge here - Elden Ray is just about the only one I know and like.

Which current/recent Mega-ziners do you think are really bad and annoying? That Daddypoos guy gets on my nerves a bit, but I've never paid him (or anyone else) enough attention to decide whether he's truly bad or not.

Who are your bestest Mega-ziners ever? Topper, Farmer Jack, Lilac Leopard, 1929.

Who are your worstest Mega-ziners ever? Emma. But then, I think you knew that already, didn't you?

Which is your favourite letter you have sent? Strangely enough, I don't pore over my own letters - once I've sent them, I tend to forget about them. So I'll have to pass on this one.
Peter Kenyon has a medal


| 10,038 posts

23rd Dec 2005 at 6:16 pm

Colin -

What is your Mega-zine name?
Vigilante Maelstrom. I've also appeared as Striped Zebra and others.

Do you wirte to Mega-zine still, and also how often do you write?
Yes, I do. Every two or three weeks, I send a huge batch off. Bad thing to do, really.

Do you read Mega-zine still?

How did you find Mega-zine?
Browsing through Teletext while bored, quite a while back.

Which current/recent Mega-ziners do you think are really good?
Paddy Irishman, Topper, Elden Ray, Farmer Jack, Big Bob Flapper, more. Don't feel insulted if I missed you out. Well, flip a coin if you want to be insulted or not, that should do it.

Which current/recent Mega-ziners do you think are really bad and annoying?
Everyone else (Best way to say it without insulting them).

Who are your bestest Mega-ziners ever?
Since I've not been a regular reader for long, just read my Current/recent list and add one or two.

Who are your worstest Mega-ziners ever?
Everyone else.

Which is your favourite letter you have sent?
I'm not a huge fan of VigiMael, but my favourite is that The Door one. Remember it? Me neither.


| 18 posts

24th Dec 2005 at 10:30 pm

Cool_Hand_Bob - I'm Cool, I'm a Hand and I am indeed a Bob.

I'm Cool, I'm a Hand and I am indeed a Bob.

What is your Mega-zine name?
Cool Hand Bob

Do you wirte to Mega-zine still, and also how often do you write?
Every few weeks

Do you read Mega-zine still?
Most days

How did you find Mega-zine?
I found it quite wierd and oddly entertaining

Which current/recent Mega-ziners do you think are really good?
Apart from myself I have no idea?

Which current/recent Mega-ziners do you think are really bad and annoying?
Lara Croft. Why? Why not?

Who are your bestest Mega-ziners ever?
I dunno?

Who are your worstest Mega-ziners ever?
I have no idea?

Which is your favourite letter you have sent?
My Boutrous Canourous Guouto series.

Thank you and a merry christmas.
I'm Cool, I'm a Hand and I am indeed a Bob.


| 8,289 posts

24th Dec 2005 at 10:38 pm

Do you wirte to Mega-zine still, and also how often do you write?
I used to write pretty much every week. I'll probably come back next year sometime, but i've just been too busy this year to keep up with it.

Do you read Mega-zine still?
I normally read it on VR these days.

How did you find Mega-zine?
Random flicking about on teletext.

Which current/recent Mega-ziners do you think are really good?
Elden Ray, Paddy Irishman. There doesn't seem to be many of the regulars who used to write in when i did still doing so.

Which current/recent Mega-ziners do you think are really bad and annoying?
[b]Emma and anyone who comes on with stupid comments relating to Jaffa cakes./b]

Who are your bestest Mega-ziners ever?
Topper, Lilac Leopard, Elden Ray, Farmer Jack, Big Bob Flapper, Freshly Squeezed Cynic

Who are your worstest Mega-ziners ever?
Too many to mention.

Which is your favourite letter you have sent?
It was one about the London Underground sometime last year, and the 'mind the gap' woman.

Chris Kamara

| 24,049 posts

24th Dec 2005 at 11:28 pm

Chris Kamara -

ohhhhh f*ck i forgot lilac leopard in my list :-[
in my defense, i don't see her as a 'ziner' any more. so that's why i forgot.

Dr Namgge

| 14,541 posts

25th Dec 2005 at 7:43 am

Interesting Chair, was your impersonator called 'Dissinteresting Couch' because if it was then it was me. I'd just started and I thought (for some unknown reason) that the best way to get attention would be to blatently rip off other people's names, that and it was act of future promotion, I actually started with myself sending in letters under the (pathetic) name of Dr Namgge's Evil Side from another email address. I was hoping to have an argument with myself, for some reason, however my rebuttal never appeared (perhaps they figured out that it was me), and people assumed that what Evil Side said was what I had said, so I started parodying other 'Ziners.

for the record I parodised The Owl Of Bewilderment (The Budgie Of Confusion), He Who Loves To Skank (She Who Loathes Skanking), Chocolate Crazed Biogeneticist (Toffee Obsessed Physicist), Interesting Chair (Dissinteresting Couch), and I did try Topper (Bottomer) but it never appeared, I gave it up around Feb '05
A Random Link
I don't give a f*ck you f*cking f*ck!

You should try being me, I injure myself on an hourly basis in stupid and childish ways. I nearly gave myself a heart attack this morning when I stood on a glove.


| 6,793 posts

1st Jan 2006 at 9:15 pm

Jewbacca -

What is your Mega-zine name?

Do you wirte to Mega-zine still, and also how often do you write?
Probably not anymore. I'm going to become The Evil Resident on GameCentral instead.

Do you read Mega-zine still?
I might keep reading for a few months out of habit, but it'll probably get tiresome eventually. Especailly when the current series of Deal or No Deal is over and i've no reason to be watching channel four anymore.

How did you find Mega-zine?
No idea.

Which current/recent Mega-ziners do you think are really good?
Well I cant remember any particular names, so I guess none really stick out.

Which current/recent Mega-ziners do you think are really bad and annoying?
It's not the Ziner's faults! Its that WLW b*tch ripping up all the decent letters and printing a barrage of crap on all four pages.

Who are your bestest Mega-ziners ever?
Sykopathik Mushroom was good, but I dont even see him around VR much now. I was pretty great too, if Im honest.

Who are your worstest Mega-ziners ever?
Sometimes I see a name like 'daddypoos' and refuse to read their letter on principle.

Which is your favourite letter you have sent?
a question that requires me to think? ha! i dont think so.

Little Blue Fox.

| 4,256 posts

2nd Jan 2006 at 3:55 pm

Little Blue Fox. - Hope is important.

Hope is important.

What is your Mega-zine name?
Little Blue Fox.

Do you wirte to Mega-zine still, and also how often do you write?
I write 2/3 letters a month, I think.

Do you read Mega-zine still?

How did you find Mega-zine?
I cannot remember.
It hurts too much not to try.
I will see you in another life when we are both cats.
Quod perditum est, in venietur.*Facebook.

Organised Confusion

| 3,982 posts

4th Jan 2006 at 1:18 am

[color=Purple]What is your Mega-zine name?
The Sheep With Nowhere to Sleep

Do you wirte to Mega-zine still, and also how often do you write?
No, I sent a couple of letters in recently but they didn't get printed.

Do you read Mega-zine still?
Occasionally, when I remember the page number and


| 412 posts

9th Jan 2006 at 1:06 pm

Stand and Deliver!!

Dalek, used to be Paragon and Jack o Latern

Yes, usually once a week

Most of the time

Can't really remember, probably by flicking through pages, or by accident

Most of the good have left and the others don't write in so much, so none that i can think of

Ha! - a much easier question, but i don't think it would be fair to say.

Who are your bestest Mega-ziners ever?
A tricky one - 'Grey Boots' from way back is worth a mention

Who are your worstest Mega-ziners ever?
Emma the 'lil Angel or Brigadier, sorry, but had to be said.

Which is your favourite you have sent?
Probably all the ones that never got screened - typical!

Captain Stupendo

| 2,235 posts

13th Jan 2006 at 3:39 pm

Captain Stupendo - snarf!


What is your Mega-zine name?
Commandant stupido, currently in retirement
Do you wirte to Mega-zine still, and also how often do you write?
not lately
Do you read Mega-zine still?
yep everyday
How did you find Mega-zine?
i stumbled onto it years ago
Which current/recent Mega-ziners do you think are really good?
Dr namgge and dalek
Which current/recent Mega-ziners do you think are really bad and annoying?
Who are your bestest Mega-ziners ever?
Topper and farmer jack
Who are your worstest Mega-ziners ever?
spiky stuy and emma
Which is your favourite letter you have sent?
the one about my adventure with a shopping trolley
Never take life seriously.

Dr Namgge

| 14,541 posts

13th Jan 2006 at 3:44 pm

Quote: Captain_Stupendo_
Which current/recent Mega-ziners do you think are really good?
Dr namgge and dalek

ME! I, err, wow, err, I'm not good, most of my letters get cut into something nowhere near as good as what gets sent. seriously though I'm not that good, Infact I'll be the first to admit I suck, especially in comparison to other people
A Random Link
I don't give a f*ck you f*cking f*ck!

You should try being me, I injure myself on an hourly basis in stupid and childish ways. I nearly gave myself a heart attack this morning when I stood on a glove.


| 412 posts

14th Jan 2006 at 2:21 pm

Stand and Deliver!!

Cheers, Captain Stupendo! Not sure I deserve recognition, but thanks anyway.

ratammer: squeak
IGH: Wibble
Vel: *sigh*
Emma: Hi VR...
Princess Psycho: Hi I am back in the UK so how are everyone been keeping. Has Fluffy had that little accident yet?
Rayanne Graff: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Lucozade Lover: Happy New Year!
Crinkle-Cut Beatroot: Happy new year <3
Rayanne Graff: Happy Easter.
Emma: So… Posting a new thread is Fission Mailing… so I’m putting this here.
Emma: I know there aren’t many people looking at this anymore… but I have made the decision to stop paying for the VR hosting and to let the domain lapse.
Emma: I think it will be going offline around the end of May
Emma: It’s been almost 10 years since James passed away… and I feel like it’s time.
Emma: A lot of the regulars can be found on the VR veterans group on Facebook - if you see this and you’re not in there, come join us.
Crinkle-Cut Beatroot: What's the facebook group called? I couldn't find it...


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