Fitness Thread

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Chris Kamara

| 24,049 posts

5th Oct 2008 at 7:13 pm

Chris Kamara -

Aye you're not wrong mate. I've always got a coffee waiting for me on my desk when I get in to work, sort of fallen into the habit of relying on it to wake me up. It's no big deal really though, I'll knock it on the head as from tomorrow. Enough small changes should help to make a big change.

Chris Kamara

| 24,049 posts

5th Oct 2008 at 7:19 pm

Chris Kamara -

I'm fitter, in that I can walk and run more than I could before, but I look a hell of a lot fatter.
So I'm gonna try burn that.
Wish me luck, chaps, 'cause I've no idea what I'm doing.

Quote: farmer_jack
I think green tea is really nice; the stronger the better as well. I'm completely in the minority with that.

totally with you on that, mate. I love green tea.

Good luck, Tabster.

Chris Kamara

| 24,049 posts

5th Oct 2008 at 8:30 pm

Chris Kamara -

Wife is buying me a skipping rope tomorrow. I shall skip every night in the garden. That'll be my new cardio workout, I have decided, because it is actually a type of cardio exercise that I enjoy.

Edited by Chris Kamara Oct 2008

Albert Johanneson

| 14,477 posts

5th Oct 2008 at 8:52 pm

Albert Johanneson - Outside-left


Quote: farmer_jack
Wife is buying me a skipping rope tomorrow. I shall skip every night in the garden. That'll be my new cardio workout, I have decided, because it is actually a type of cardio exercise that I enjoy.

How about getting yourself a heavy punchbag too?

Chris Kamara

| 24,049 posts

5th Oct 2008 at 8:54 pm

Chris Kamara -

Could be one for the future. My Dad has one from his kickboxing days so I could probably just have that off him.

Chris Kamara

| 24,049 posts

6th Oct 2008 at 8:21 pm

Chris Kamara -

Ah right aye, you've got to squeeze in the right way so that your chest muscle contract inwards. It's pretty difficult to explain really, but you'll know when you've done it right. They definitely work though, I can vouch for that.

Hit the gym today, had a decent enough session. 40 minutes weights, 5 minutes cardio. 5 minutes is p*ss all cardio in reality, but I'm taking it slowly Plus I have to wait until tomorrow for my skipping rope, apparently. Quite looking forward to starting that though.

Chris Kamara

| 24,049 posts

6th Oct 2008 at 8:41 pm

Chris Kamara -

Nice one, sounds good that Phil. Have you noticed much difference in how you look so far?

Chest day is my favourite day, but years ago I used to have the problem of overtraining it and basically getting nowhere. Didn't really know any better at the time. Fortunately I think I've got the right balance now. Slow and steady wins the race.

Chris Kamara

| 24,049 posts

6th Oct 2008 at 8:49 pm

Chris Kamara -

That's funny, I find if I go with other people I don't get as much done. I've a mate who I know would really like to come training with me but I've done my best to stop it from happening, so far.

How long do you train for each day? I might go 5 or 6 times a week, but it's very rare I train for over an hour. If I was going to be doing 90 minutes of training I'd probably cut a couple of days out so as not to overdo it.

And also, for the record, my lats are crap. I've always found them very slow to build up.

Chris Kamara

| 24,049 posts

6th Oct 2008 at 9:35 pm

Chris Kamara -


Edit:- Ohhh your reply is in the quote. All I had to do was look

Chris Kamara

| 24,049 posts

7th Oct 2008 at 6:32 pm

Chris Kamara -

Did 45 minutes of weights today; tried to train my chest and triceps mainly. Can't decide whether to have a rest day tomorrow or not


| 5,671 posts

10th Oct 2008 at 4:10 pm

learrggh -

Stretched out my hips a bit today and am quite surprised to note that with enough stretching and strengthening, I'll be able to hold 120 degree + turnout. I don't know if a perfect 180 will ever be on the cards, but getting close to that would be fantastic.

It's quite shocking I can't get much past ninety the way my hips are now in passe and such, but I think if I push myself harder in plies it'll get better in time.

I'm also pretty sure the reason my legs don't look straight in developpes is because I'm a little bowlegged. I don't have enough hyperextension to compensate for that so I don't really know what to do. My lines are a mess at the moment.

Albert Johanneson

| 14,477 posts

11th Oct 2008 at 5:30 pm

Albert Johanneson - Outside-left


Just did my usual again today.
40 reps of shoulder press at 32.5kg
30 reps of chest press at 27.5kg
15 tricep dips with 45kg assist
15 pull ups with 45kg assist (with this and tricep dips, i find myself struggling alot as i get to 11/12 and feel strained on my sides)
1.5 miles on Level 5 resistance with a target of <12 minutes in 11:41secs (very happy with that as it's 1 level higher than im used to and i knocked 20 full seconds of my usually daily time)

the bad thing with the on-site gym is that it doesn't have free weights or a bench press. i've a 10kg dumbell in my room, but would like more variety.

im now sweating like an absolute pig, which is how i like it post-gym
just waiting til it stops before i shower.


| 10,038 posts

11th Oct 2008 at 5:41 pm

Colin -

Did you keep walking just to get 'leeto'?

Chris Kamara

| 24,049 posts

11th Oct 2008 at 7:19 pm

Chris Kamara -

I've had two good sessions in the gym the last two days but I don't think I'm making many gains at the moment. I'm probably not eating enough proper nutrition. Got my skipping rope though

Albi The Racist Dragon

| 7,432 posts

12th Oct 2008 at 2:33 am

I've lost a stone and I have no idea how Screw this fitness sh*t, just cripple yourself.


Chris Kamara

| 24,049 posts

12th Oct 2008 at 4:28 pm

Chris Kamara -

Quote: pablomarmite
I've lost a stone and I have no idea how  Screw this fitness sh*t, just cripple yourself.

How's the recovery going?

Played 3 hours of pretty damn intense football today. Fully loaded up on creatine and I had a good breakfast, I reckon I could have carried on for at least another hour if the other lads weren't being girls. Gym tomorrow, and skipping with my new 'Batwing rope' in the garden everyday.

Albert Johanneson

| 14,477 posts

12th Oct 2008 at 4:31 pm

Albert Johanneson - Outside-left


He's not online at the moment so i'll chime in - he's got reconstructive knee surgery next week.

Chris Kamara

| 24,049 posts

12th Oct 2008 at 4:35 pm

Chris Kamara -

Bloody hell. No doubt there'll be a long lay-off after the surgery as well.

Also, I don't know if anyone on here has tried one-armed press-ups, but b*gger me they're tough going. I can do about 4 with my right arm and 2 with my left. It's gonna need some work


| 5,671 posts

12th Oct 2008 at 4:39 pm

Dissimulation -

Friday night out in Bournemouth put pay to yesterday's running plans. Just been out today though and did 5k with some hill work. Definitely struggled as I've been a bit under slept and dehydrated this weekend, but I made sure I did it. 7 weeks since the beginning of this thread and now weigh in at bang on 14st at a shade under 6ft and not so much as a drag on a cigarette.

Didn't feel confident about it this morning because I get a little bit obsessive about missing something, but looking back I feel better npw.

Chris Kamara

| 24,049 posts

12th Oct 2008 at 4:41 pm

Chris Kamara -

Your progress has been absolutely sh*t hot. If this is how much you've come on in just a couple of months, imagine how you'll be in a year.


| 5,671 posts

12th Oct 2008 at 5:06 pm

learrggh -

Quote: Squirrell_of_Doom
He's not online at the moment so i'll chime in - he's got reconstructive knee surgery next week.

What happened to it?

Albert Johanneson

| 14,477 posts

12th Oct 2008 at 5:18 pm

Albert Johanneson - Outside-left


Quote: ApologeticSquirrel
Quote: Squirrell_of_Doom
He's not online at the moment so i'll chime in - he's got reconstructive knee surgery next week.

What happened to it?

Popped a load of ligaments a few months back, i think.

Albi The Racist Dragon

| 7,432 posts

13th Oct 2008 at 4:38 pm

I have reconstructive knee surgery TOMORROW - am mildly terrified, especially as the hospital gave me a big pack of information about MRSA. I think after that it's a few weeks of walking with crutches (hence no Manchester this weekend sorry) then lots and lots of physio.

Leah - few months back I got tangled during an American Football tackle and tore my LCL, ACL and something else.


Albert Johanneson

| 14,477 posts

13th Oct 2008 at 4:56 pm

Albert Johanneson - Outside-left


50 quadracep lifts at 45kg
30 hamstring crunches at 40kg
15 pull ups with 45kg assist
15 tricep dips with 45kg assist
20 reps of chest press at 27.5kg
1.5 miles on Level 5 resistance in 11:29secs

Albert Johanneson

| 14,477 posts

13th Oct 2008 at 4:56 pm

Albert Johanneson - Outside-left


Quote: pablomarmite
I have reconstructive knee surgery TOMORROW - am mildly terrified, especially as the hospital gave me a big pack of information about MRSA.  I think after that it's a few weeks of walking with crutches (hence no Manchester this weekend sorry) then lots and lots of physio.

Leah - few months back I got tangled during an American Football tackle and tore my LCL, ACL and something else.

whatich hospital? and if you know, which surgeon?

Albi The Racist Dragon

| 7,432 posts

13th Oct 2008 at 5:51 pm

Leicester General, Mr Tandon.


Chris Kamara

| 24,049 posts

13th Oct 2008 at 6:05 pm

Chris Kamara -

Quote: Squirrell_of_Doom
50 quadracep lifts at 45kg
30 hamstring crunches at 40kg
15 pull ups with 45kg assist
15 tricep dips with 45kg assist
20 reps of chest press at 27.5kg
1.5 miles on Level 5 resistance in 11:29secs

nice one, Dan.

I hammered the free weights today but the range of weights at my gym is p*ss poor, they only go up to 26kg or something. Had a bit of a go on everything today but it was pretty busy so I didn't stay long, 45 minutes or so. Did some skipping just now as well, it's hard work that.

Gonna have Wednesday off, so tomorrow I'm going to hit the gym hard with heavy weights.

Chris Kamara

| 24,049 posts

13th Oct 2008 at 6:11 pm

Chris Kamara -

Bloody hell, that ain't good.

"...believed to have collapsed after training in the gym", and now he's dead.

Albert Johanneson

| 14,477 posts

13th Oct 2008 at 6:33 pm

Albert Johanneson - Outside-left


Quote: farmer_jack

Bloody hell, that ain't good.

"...believed to have collapsed after training in the gym", and now he's dead.

Bloody hell. Could be an arrhythmia like Antonio Puerta last summer. Quite a few of the Wildcats chaps would come into a shop i worked at a few years back too.

Albert Johanneson

| 14,477 posts

13th Oct 2008 at 6:37 pm

Albert Johanneson - Outside-left


Quote: pablomarmite
Leicester General, Mr Tandon.

Hospital has one of the lowest MRSA rates in the country for a public hospital - 1.4 in 10,000 patients develope bloodstream infections of MRSA.
Can't find any specific info about how many of Mr. Tandon's patients have been infected, but he's a specialist in Orthopedics, sub specialising in knees and ankles (you probably know this already though).

Chris Kamara

| 24,049 posts

13th Oct 2008 at 6:39 pm

Chris Kamara -

Good luck with the surgery Joel, I hope it goes well.

Chris Kamara

| 24,049 posts

13th Oct 2008 at 8:00 pm

Chris Kamara -

That's some going that, 100kg. We don't have a proper chest press set-up at my gym (poor, like I said), so I just stick to doing them at home on my barbell and doing the free weights at the gym (26kg in each hand). It's not really trying me to be honest. I feel as though I could do with joining a better gym, but there's nothing close-by in my price range.

Chris Kamara

| 24,049 posts

13th Oct 2008 at 8:50 pm

Chris Kamara -

Nice one, that'll be a good workout. I've just done a bit of running, only about 5 minutes worth but I enjoyed it. Still a bit sore from footy yesterday but I reckon I could take to a bit of running each night, then a shower and bed. Certainly won't do me any harm.

Vel: *sigh*
Emma: Hi VR...
Princess Psycho: Hi I am back in the UK so how are everyone been keeping. Has Fluffy had that little accident yet?
Rayanne Graff: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Lucozade Lover: Happy New Year!
Crinkle-Cut Beatroot: Happy new year <3
Rayanne Graff: Happy Easter.
Emma: So… Posting a new thread is Fission Mailing… so I’m putting this here.
Emma: I know there aren’t many people looking at this anymore… but I have made the decision to stop paying for the VR hosting and to let the domain lapse.
Emma: I think it will be going offline around the end of May
Emma: It’s been almost 10 years since James passed away… and I feel like it’s time.
Emma: A lot of the regulars can be found on the VR veterans group on Facebook - if you see this and you’re not in there, come join us.
Crinkle-Cut Beatroot: What's the facebook group called? I couldn't find it...
IGH: And so it ends
Captain Spiky: I've just been loving life, going through the photos in the Meets gallery. so many awesome people that I loved hanging out with

