The John McEnroe/Bad Pun Interface

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Tobias Fünke

| 4,730 posts

24th Jan 2005 at 4:06 pm

Tobias Fünke  - I blue myself.

I blue myself.

One for the surrealists.

Singing Detective? You cannot be psoriasis!

Nimbus ? Cumulus ? You cannot be cirrius!

Dog Star? You cannot be sirius!

and Geordie pop singer, selling his dry-roasted products, is priced out of the market by John Lennon's widow. Yoko Nuts beat C.Rea's!

I have more and I'm willing to use them. How about you you you? You can come too too too.

Tobias Fünke

| 4,730 posts

24th Jan 2005 at 6:05 pm

Tobias Fünke  - I blue myself.

I blue myself.

Where's that tumbleweed?

Liver disease? You cannot be cirrhosis!


| 3,316 posts

24th Jan 2005 at 6:11 pm

A very attractive man. Not me. Him.

i like this, although i am not clever enough to think of any of my own. please continue
Anton Chekhov - Smash Hits

Tobias Fünke

| 4,730 posts

24th Jan 2005 at 8:49 pm

Tobias Fünke  - I blue myself.

I blue myself.

Thanks for the vote of confidence.

Another Italian Football league? You cannot be Serie A's!


| 3,774 posts

24th Jan 2005 at 9:05 pm

Gary - I is not evil.

I is not evil.

A knight that bares a striking resemblance to Prince Charles? You cannot be Sir Ears!

Sorry, that was pants.

I like an escalator because an escalator can never break, it can only become stairs. There would never be an "Escalator temporarily out of order" sign, only an "Escalator temporarily stairs. Sorry for the convenience."
- Mitch Hedberg

Tobias Fünke

| 4,730 posts

24th Jan 2005 at 9:09 pm

Tobias Fünke  - I blue myself.

I blue myself.

Osiris? You cannot be surrealist!

Actually you can, keep going.


Chris Kamara

| 24,049 posts

24th Jan 2005 at 9:14 pm

Chris Kamara -

I can't think of any but I really want to

Insane Jam Sow

| 443 posts

24th Jan 2005 at 9:14 pm

Insane Jam Sow - Bill Bryson is my God

Bill Bryson is my God

Going birdwatching in Britain? You cannot see rheas!

(I did think about using "rears" instead, but y'know...)

Yes, my website still exists. Just about.

Tobias Fünke

| 4,730 posts

24th Jan 2005 at 9:24 pm

Tobias Fünke  - I blue myself.

I blue myself.

Genius. Don't be afraid of a little artistic license.

Unfounded allegations of a new blood group? You cannot be C Rhesus.

Tobias Fünke

| 4,730 posts

24th Jan 2005 at 9:25 pm

Tobias Fünke  - I blue myself.

I blue myself.

or Licence. That's what living in the US for 3 years does to you. :-X


| 3,774 posts

24th Jan 2005 at 9:28 pm

Gary - I is not evil.

I is not evil.

Multiple bottoms of the ocean? You cannot be sea rears.

I like an escalator because an escalator can never break, it can only become stairs. There would never be an "Escalator temporarily out of order" sign, only an "Escalator temporarily stairs. Sorry for the convenience."
- Mitch Hedberg

Insane Jam Sow

| 443 posts

24th Jan 2005 at 9:30 pm

Insane Jam Sow - Bill Bryson is my God

Bill Bryson is my God

Want to be the wives of totalitarian Russian rulers? You cannot be Tsarinas!

I'm thinking these are going to dry up very soon.

Yes, my website still exists. Just about.


| 3,774 posts

24th Jan 2005 at 9:33 pm

Gary - I is not evil.

I is not evil.

You're a group of people that bring up and nurture the third letter of the alphabet? You cannot be 'C' Rearers!

I like an escalator because an escalator can never break, it can only become stairs. There would never be an "Escalator temporarily out of order" sign, only an "Escalator temporarily stairs. Sorry for the convenience."
- Mitch Hedberg

Tobias Fünke

| 4,730 posts

24th Jan 2005 at 9:40 pm

Tobias Fünke  - I blue myself.

I blue myself.

Run out? Nonsense!

As Matthew Kelly said to the second person wanting to sing Achy Breaky Heart

"You cannot be Billy Ray Cyrus"

Insane Jam Sow

| 443 posts

24th Jan 2005 at 9:41 pm

Insane Jam Sow - Bill Bryson is my God

Bill Bryson is my God

You want to put up a tent next to my house, Mr Abbot? You cannot base here, Russ!

Yes, my website still exists. Just about.

Tobias Fünke

| 4,730 posts

24th Jan 2005 at 9:43 pm

Tobias Fünke  - I blue myself.

I blue myself.

Probably my favourite yet. Good darts, Jam.

Popular mid-80s family saloons? You cannot be Sierras.

Insane Jam Sow

| 443 posts

24th Jan 2005 at 9:45 pm

Insane Jam Sow - Bill Bryson is my God

Bill Bryson is my God

Ah, but that last one of yours was also excellent in its simplicity. I'm enjoying this thread...

Yes, my website still exists. Just about.

Insane Jam Sow

| 443 posts

24th Jan 2005 at 9:51 pm

Insane Jam Sow - Bill Bryson is my God

Bill Bryson is my God

You want a DVD of The Simpsons? You cannot beat Series 4!

Right, I'm stopping there for now... waiting for inspiration...

Yes, my website still exists. Just about.

Tobias Fünke

| 4,730 posts

24th Jan 2005 at 9:53 pm

Tobias Fünke  - I blue myself.

I blue myself.

Quote: Look_Dad_No_Tunes_
You also may use McEnroe's 'You guys are the Pitts', although it's somewhat limiting.

British Prime Ministers, "The Elder" (1766-68 ) and "The Younger" (1783-1801)? You guys are the Pitts!


Chris Kamara

| 24,049 posts

24th Jan 2005 at 9:59 pm

Chris Kamara -

Quote: Insane_Jam_Sow_
You want to put up a tent next to my house, Mr Abbot? You cannot base here, Russ!

that made me laugh


| 17,916 posts

24th Jan 2005 at 10:06 pm

LoonyPandora - Daft Cow?

Daft Cow?

William Burke at a funeral? You cannot be seen in the hearse.

Tobias Fünke

| 4,730 posts

24th Jan 2005 at 10:11 pm

Tobias Fünke  - I blue myself.

I blue myself.

Three-headed guard dog to Hades? You cannot be Cerberus!


| 3,316 posts

24th Jan 2005 at 10:42 pm

A very attractive man. Not me. Him.

ancient italian arches? you cannot beat severus
Anton Chekhov - Smash Hits


| 3,316 posts

24th Jan 2005 at 10:56 pm

A very attractive man. Not me. Him.

favourite STD? you cannot be syphilis

ooooh, i like these
Anton Chekhov - Smash Hits

Tobias Fünke

| 4,730 posts

24th Jan 2005 at 11:05 pm

Tobias Fünke  - I blue myself.

I blue myself.


Son of Tectamus and a daughter of Cretheus ?

You cannot be Asterius...

Tobias Fünke

| 4,730 posts

24th Jan 2005 at 11:09 pm

Tobias Fünke  - I blue myself.

I blue myself.

..not a Roman twin ? cannot be Romulus!

I think I'm spent........

Nope! Shredded Wheat? Weetabix? You cannot be cereals!

Insane Jam Sow

| 443 posts

25th Jan 2005 at 8:50 am

Insane Jam Sow - Bill Bryson is my God

Bill Bryson is my God

A silver-grey wingless insect found in houses feeding on book bindings and starched clothing? You cannot be silverfish!

Yes, my website still exists. Just about.


| 3,316 posts

25th Jan 2005 at 12:56 pm

A very attractive man. Not me. Him.

uncontrolled emotion or excitement? you cannot be delirious!
Anton Chekhov - Smash Hits

Chris Kamara

| 24,049 posts

25th Jan 2005 at 5:01 pm

Chris Kamara -

a military operation performed on both land and sea? you cannot be amphibious!

woo i did one! go me.

Insane Jam Sow

| 443 posts

25th Jan 2005 at 6:06 pm

Insane Jam Sow - Bill Bryson is my God

Bill Bryson is my God

Getting further and further removed from sounding like "cannot be serious" now...

You're some sesame-covered rolls? You cannot be seedy buns!

Yes, my website still exists. Just about.

Tobias Fünke

| 4,730 posts

25th Jan 2005 at 6:58 pm

Tobias Fünke  - I blue myself.

I blue myself.

The second and third Canadians in space pay tribute to the journey made by their pioneering predecessor:

Yukonaut B, C, re A's.

Oh jesus, I'm actually quite proud of that


| 3,316 posts

26th Jan 2005 at 1:28 pm

A very attractive man. Not me. Him.

it can't be beaten. i give up
Anton Chekhov - Smash Hits

ANBY v3.0

| 7,728 posts

26th Jan 2005 at 4:20 pm

ANBY v3.0 - Officially female according to Pamplemeese Decree.

Officially female according to Pamplemeese Decree.

A Boy Scout who doubts his abilities, but hides this with a fa
Rupert didn't win the Best Signature Award. He does not exist.

Insane Jam Sow

| 443 posts

26th Jan 2005 at 4:23 pm

Insane Jam Sow - Bill Bryson is my God

Bill Bryson is my God

[quote=A_N_B_Y_ link=1106582773/30#36 date=1106756451]A Boy Scout who doubts his abilities, but hides this with a fa

Yes, my website still exists. Just about.

Insane Jam Sow

| 443 posts

26th Jan 2005 at 4:27 pm

Insane Jam Sow - Bill Bryson is my God

Bill Bryson is my God

You're the sinister equine pet of the honey-making insects of an Old English King? You're Canute's bees' eerie horse!

Edited by Insane Jam Sow Jan 2005

Yes, my website still exists. Just about.


| 3,316 posts

26th Jan 2005 at 4:29 pm

A very attractive man. Not me. Him.

these are getting too good, i may resign forever
Anton Chekhov - Smash Hits

ANBY v3.0

| 7,728 posts

26th Jan 2005 at 4:33 pm

ANBY v3.0 - Officially female according to Pamplemeese Decree.

Officially female according to Pamplemeese Decree.

It's an american card game, not a compilation of television shows: Euchre not be a series!
Rupert didn't win the Best Signature Award. He does not exist.

Insane Jam Sow

| 443 posts

26th Jan 2005 at 4:38 pm

Insane Jam Sow - Bill Bryson is my God

Bill Bryson is my God

You want to attack me, and my fellow supporters of Robert Kilroy-Silk? You cannot but slurry us!

Beat that one, Rob...

Yes, my website still exists. Just about.

ANBY v3.0

| 7,728 posts

26th Jan 2005 at 4:38 pm

ANBY v3.0 - Officially female according to Pamplemeese Decree.

Officially female according to Pamplemeese Decree.

The seed of North American evergreen plants are no less evil than the next: Yucca nut be as heinous.

Nyer, right back at you, Ionie...
Rupert didn't win the Best Signature Award. He does not exist.

Insane Jam Sow

| 443 posts

26th Jan 2005 at 4:43 pm

Insane Jam Sow - Bill Bryson is my God

Bill Bryson is my God

En guarde!

An exceptionally busy day at your martial arts school? Your kendo biz is a rush!

Yes, my website still exists. Just about.

ANBY v3.0

| 7,728 posts

26th Jan 2005 at 4:47 pm

ANBY v3.0 - Officially female according to Pamplemeese Decree.

Officially female according to Pamplemeese Decree.

Well, if that's the way you want it...

That woman the US army promoted from Brigadier General is violent to certain parts of her face. New Colonel beats her ears!
Rupert didn't win the Best Signature Award. He does not exist.

Insane Jam Sow

| 443 posts

26th Jan 2005 at 4:53 pm

Insane Jam Sow - Bill Bryson is my God

Bill Bryson is my God

We're careering off the road with 50 passengers on board? You, A.N.B.Y., steer the bus!

I apologise for that one. I'm now having pun-based fatigue. I quit for the time being (again).

Yes, my website still exists. Just about.

ANBY v3.0

| 7,728 posts

26th Jan 2005 at 4:56 pm

ANBY v3.0 - Officially female according to Pamplemeese Decree.

Officially female according to Pamplemeese Decree.

Ah, touch
Rupert didn't win the Best Signature Award. He does not exist.

Tobias Fünke

| 4,730 posts

26th Jan 2005 at 6:36 pm

Tobias Fünke  - I blue myself.

I blue myself.

Brilliant work guys, I'm suitably impressed.

..Not Lord Charles ? cannot be silly a*s !

Tobias Fünke

| 4,730 posts

26th Jan 2005 at 6:38 pm

Tobias Fünke  - I blue myself.

I blue myself.

and one I prepared earlier....

Moist West Brom striker spills ale over glittering posterior ?

Dew Kanu beers heroes a*se.


Insane Jam Sow

| 443 posts

27th Jan 2005 at 11:21 am

Insane Jam Sow - Bill Bryson is my God

Bill Bryson is my God

Sorry to resuscitate this thread again, but this one's just hit me:

A northern city where people feel inclined to declare they love both men and women? York can out bisexuals!

Yes, my website still exists. Just about.

Vel: *sigh*
Emma: Hi VR...
Princess Psycho: Hi I am back in the UK so how are everyone been keeping. Has Fluffy had that little accident yet?
Rayanne Graff: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Lucozade Lover: Happy New Year!
Crinkle-Cut Beatroot: Happy new year <3
Rayanne Graff: Happy Easter.
Emma: So… Posting a new thread is Fission Mailing… so I’m putting this here.
Emma: I know there aren’t many people looking at this anymore… but I have made the decision to stop paying for the VR hosting and to let the domain lapse.
Emma: I think it will be going offline around the end of May
Emma: It’s been almost 10 years since James passed away… and I feel like it’s time.
Emma: A lot of the regulars can be found on the VR veterans group on Facebook - if you see this and you’re not in there, come join us.
Crinkle-Cut Beatroot: What's the facebook group called? I couldn't find it...
IGH: And so it ends
Captain Spiky: I've just been loving life, going through the photos in the Meets gallery. so many awesome people that I loved hanging out with

