Being small

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Organised Confusion

| 3,982 posts

22nd Dec 2006 at 12:25 am

While we're in hate self mode.

I am sick of this. I am sick of the snidey remarks and not funny jokes.

I'm 5"1, not THAT small. And that's the problem. If someone is small because they have a medical condition, people don't just have a wee joke at their expense (unless they are bullying and being malicious), but it's ok to laugh at someone if they're just that little bit shorter than your average person. Apparently.

It doesn't happen all that often to be fair, but when it does, it affects my self confidence. There are 2 people in my life who I would trust never to make a remark or laugh if somebody else did. There are a few others who I trust not to say anything but I don't trust not to laugh if someone else does. Everyone's guilty of this, you laugh along just to fit in, and you don't see what harm it can possibly do. Even if you don't find it funny, it's easier not to stand up for them.

Stupid remarks, which are uncalled for. And it's always so unexpected. I was chatting away to my friend the other day, when all of a sudden she stopped and said, "Gillian, look at you, you're such a midget".
You can respond in many ways to something like that.

1. Laugh. People tell you to act like you don't care, but that only applies if it's bullying. This isn't bullying. They're not trying to be malicious, they just think it's funny.

2. Shout and scream - Shows you're upset, but people are less likely to take you seriously.

3. Calmly explain that it upsets you when people say things like this, and explain why.

I usually tell people it upsets me. It's not funny or necessary. One response I got to that was, "Yeah, I'd like to be small. What's it like being small?"
What's it like being small?!?!


You may ignorantly ask someone what it's like having a disability or how it is living with an illness, neither of which is remotely similar to being small. I know I'm blowing this out of all proportion, but that is how it feels. I feel so bad letting it get to me, because there are people with real things wrong with them, and I should be grateful I'm healthy. But people taking the p*ss and making you feel like less of a person makes it difficult to turn the other cheek. Again blowing it out of proportion.

Every day I am reminded in some way that I look younger than all the other girls in my year. A lowlight was when someone thought I was in first year. I can see you laughing now.

One day everyone laughed because I got stopped from skipping the queue (6th years are allowed to, like) by the b*tch of a head teacher. Everyone started laughing "She got mistaken for a first year again"

"Gillian, you're so small and cute when you're angry, I just can't take you seriously."

I was walking with someone when she bumped into a friend of hers
"Friend x, this is Gillian."
"Oh cool. What year is she in?"
"No way, she looks 14."

In front of my f*cking face.
I know this is nothing to get upset about. But I'm just so pathetic I let it affect me. I feel guilty about moaning about it. It's not a real problem.

What is so funny about short jokes? Someone please enlighten me.


| 9,643 posts

22nd Dec 2006 at 12:29 am

It's a pain in the a*se. I got the same (in the opposite end of the spectrum) for a long time (by the age of 11 I was 5ft 7)... you can't win unless you're 5ft 4, i assume

Organised Confusion

| 3,982 posts

22nd Dec 2006 at 12:31 am

I'm jealous of average people, not tall ones. I know it's probably sh*t being tall as well.

I have a lot going for me. I just wish things like this didn't push the good things to one side.

Dr Namgge

| 14,541 posts

22nd Dec 2006 at 12:56 am

*apologises for the millionth and seventh short joke he's probably inadvertendly made since the last time he swore he'd never make another one again, and promises he'll never make another one for as long as he lives*

as I've said before, this is just something your going to get for the rest of your life, and you might as well get used to it now, because your never going to be able to convince people to stop it.

I know it sucks to have people make fun of you, but everyone gets it, for all sorts of reasons. In my book you should be lucky you've got an obvious one, means people are less lively to go for that as apposed to the deeper cutting ones.
A Random Link
I don't give a f*ck you f*cking f*ck!

You should try being me, I injure myself on an hourly basis in stupid and childish ways. I nearly gave myself a heart attack this morning when I stood on a glove.

Big nose strikes again

| 2,343 posts

22nd Dec 2006 at 1:04 am

I'm 5'2. It's not nice rolling the legs of your jeans up.

Organised Confusion

| 3,982 posts

22nd Dec 2006 at 1:07 am

[quote=That Thing link=1166747138/0#4 date=1166748981]*apologises for the millionth and seventh short joke he's probably inadvertendly made since the last time he swore he'd never make another one again, and promises he'll never make another one for as long as he lives*

See I'm so bloody sensitive, even that offends me.

Thanks James, I try my best, but I just can't see me getting over it quickly.

Oh one thing that would make me feel so much better is if you weren't called Rimjob

Organised Confusion

| 3,982 posts

22nd Dec 2006 at 1:08 am

Quote: Rincewind
I'm 5'2. It's not nice rolling the legs of your jeans up.

I buy petite, but even they are a fraction too long.

What size are "normal" jeans made for anyway?


| 6,793 posts

22nd Dec 2006 at 1:13 am

Jewbacca -

I reckon being small would be harder on guys than girls. Tiny ladies are usually a turn on, actually. There was this girl half the size of me in high school and I wanted her :-X

She wasnt half the age, you understand. Just height.


| 9,643 posts

22nd Dec 2006 at 1:14 am

Quote: Smylz
Quote: Rincewind
I'm 5'2. It's not nice rolling the legs of your jeans up.

I buy petite, but even they are a fraction too long.

What size are "normal" jeans made for anyway?

between 5ft 4 and 6 I think.

I hate having ankle swingers. but don't like shelling out the extra on the long-tall sally stuff.


| 6,793 posts

22nd Dec 2006 at 1:14 am

Jewbacca -

""if that's the worst they've got then they're scraping the barrel""

echo echo echo

Organised Confusion

| 3,982 posts

22nd Dec 2006 at 1:14 am

Would you like a spade?

Big nose strikes again

| 2,343 posts

22nd Dec 2006 at 1:18 am

The don't seem to do petite in the style of clothes I buy/fish out of skips.


| 9,643 posts

22nd Dec 2006 at 1:25 am

My mother is 6ft 2, and has just given up and buys regular length trousers and wears them as cropped ones. as she has a 36 inside leg. hope it doesn't make her die sooner, as they've predicted 6ft 3 for Abbie.

Dr Namgge

| 14,541 posts

22nd Dec 2006 at 1:25 am

Quote: Completely_Underwhelmed
I think being tall might make you die sooner as well, more body to pump blood round if you're a heart

no, because your heart would be larger. The scale of organs within the body would be the same if your six foot, five foot, or half an inch tall.
A Random Link
I don't give a f*ck you f*cking f*ck!

You should try being me, I injure myself on an hourly basis in stupid and childish ways. I nearly gave myself a heart attack this morning when I stood on a glove.

Organised Confusion

| 3,982 posts

22nd Dec 2006 at 1:28 am

Quote: Completely_Underwhelmed

looking young is probably worse than being short when you're 17, but it has its advantages (train tickets being just one of them!!) and if you have ID then once you're 18 it doesn't matter anyway.

I used to hang about with 3 guys who were a couple of months younger than me but looked about 19. I had just turned 16 and they were still 15, and bus drivers (trains haven't reached this part of the world yet) would never believe they were 15...but gave me the child ticket. It was great fun for a while, but then they would moan to the driver that I was 16 and they were 15 and he laughed and said "Yeah right" so it got all sad again.

I can get to Glasgow half price though, when I don't know the bus driver, which is good

Organised Confusion

| 3,982 posts

22nd Dec 2006 at 1:30 am

Quote: Rimjob

I've spent half my life never being able to find shoes or clothes that fit and now I'm going to die sooner!

Hmmm...I wish I could give a few inches to Gillian...

No wait, that sounds wrong.

No. Joking. In. My. Serious. Thread.

(We'll discuss those inches later ayee)

John Cage Bubblegum

| 6,555 posts

22nd Dec 2006 at 1:36 am

John Cage Bubblegum -

I'm 'vertically challenged' myself (5'7") but I'm past caring what other people have to say about it. It got to me when I was younger I suppose, but I very rarely get comments about it now. I would have thought it was easier being short if you're female, though? Not being sexist or anything, but most of the lads I know are 6 foot plus. It must look quite odd when I'm walking side by side with them.

Short jokes aren't funny and they are tiresome, but the best thing to do is remember how unfunny and f*ckwitted the person making them clearly is. Don't get a chip on your shoulder about it because there's really no point. Hitler was short, and look what happened to him.
Peter Kenyon has a medal

Organised Confusion

| 3,982 posts

22nd Dec 2006 at 1:47 am

Without a doubt it is easier, and when you're older, and people grow up and realise there are more important things to life, it pales into insignificance.

The majority of people I have to spend the day with wouldn't know maturity if it bit them in their average sized arses, and it makes me angry that those of us who are above making petty remarks about things that someone can do nothing about, and that isn't even a f*cking problem, have to put up with it.

My dad's 5"7, you should walk with him some time

Tobias Fünke

| 4,730 posts

22nd Dec 2006 at 1:01 pm

Tobias Fünke  - I blue myself.

I blue myself.

My friend Louise is 4ft 9", from West Belfast, living in North London. She rocks.

Not unlike Neen.

Velvet Soldier

| 206 posts

22nd Dec 2006 at 9:48 pm

The Turtle Moves

I am 5 ft 4, so you probably all hate me for being average. My fella is 6ft 4, and once when out with him I was accosted in the toilets and told to "Fine someone my own height!" I mean, what a ridiculous comment!
My weddnig should be funny though as the tallest person in my family is my Dad at about 5ft 7, and on my fella's side the tallest is 6ft 5 and even his mum is 5ft 8.

Also, my friend Karen is ony 4ft 5, so her and Dave, my partner together, just look bizarre - she always gets id'd and hates that people think that because she is small she is stupid and talk to her like a child.
Why call it civil service when the service is anything but civil?

Organised Confusion

| 3,982 posts

23rd Dec 2006 at 1:11 am

Quote: Al_Calavicci

If you do gymnastics, it's better for you to be short. If you have big feet, then you're perfect!

My feet are barely a 3. I also have ridiculously narrow heels which means I can only wear trainers and boots. I can't wear nice girly shoes cause they just don't fit

I used to do gymnastics on horses, as an aside.

But no more moaning for me, it's not attractive

Big nose strikes again

| 2,343 posts

23rd Dec 2006 at 9:49 pm

I think my feel at too big for my height. 5'2, 8 stones, surely I should be a four?

Elusive Moose

| 8,546 posts

26th Dec 2006 at 9:21 pm

Elusive Moose - Get your Antlers on

Get your Antlers on

Urgh, shortness. OK, so I'm 5"3 and bordering on 'average height', but you wouldn't know it. I don't have a single pair of trousers that fit, and skirts and dresses always fall in a funny place on my legs. Even better, the style of top that suits me best is a long one, but that makes me look even shorter. Oh, and my feet are a stupid shape that means I can't wear heels. Fantastic.

I know that's not the main issue though. But, at risk of sounding like a Mum, you'll be glad of looking younger in 10-15 years time, and being glad of that will last a lot longer than your being annoyed with it now. And really, anyone who makes a comment about anyone's height really isn't worth anything. But also, I don't know if you do or not, but if you try to not react when people make comments about your height or looks then they might- hopefully- grow bored of it. Again, if not, they've obviously got pretty pethetic lives if all they can think to do with it is make small jokes. But seriously, one day it will just become a part of you and people won't even think to mention it any more. (My sister's five foot, nobody even bothers mentioning it any more, so it can happen, honest! )
"You can't roast infants. You just don't get away with it."- a life lesson for us all.

Wife of  Phil the Lawful Hippo. Imagine the children!

The Disneyafied Adventures of Me


| 887 posts

27th Dec 2006 at 1:34 pm

Penfold - The thinker

The thinker

I'm the same height as you Gillian and i understand the short thing. It doesn't bother me too much about being called 'midget' etc. (I just tell people like that, that they're freaks and that i am in fact in the correct proportions ) But i really hate being treated like a child all the time. Always getting asked how old i am is very annoying and it kind of makes me not want to go to places (pubs etc) where i feel people will be looking at me and wondering why i'm there. :-[

I like what Jack Dee said in one of his shows. Someone in the audience had left him a message saying "Do you ever sit on the pavement and dangle your legs over the edge?" and he replied with something like "Yes i'm short. It's not like being taller is an achievement. How silly of me for not having the foresight to grow that tall. Well done you.."
"The National Rifle Association says that, "Guns don't kill people, people do,” but I think the gun helps, you know? I think it helps. I just think just standing there going, "Bang!" That's not going to kill too many people, is it?" - Eddie Izzard

Facebook shizzle


| 9,643 posts

27th Dec 2006 at 2:02 pm

height is relative.

i get the p*ss taken for being short by my mother and brothers. I'm 5ft 9, they're all 6ft 1 plus...


| 17 posts

1st Jan 2007 at 9:59 pm

samsamsam - ...i wish i knew how to change the picture...

...i wish i knew how to change the picture...

howdy hey

True what you say about height being relative like - all the way through school i used to get called small because all of my mates were, for the most part, a good few inches taller than me, and the ones that weren't were usually only a bit smaller and more heavily built. I'm 6 foot and a bit, i'd like to point out, yet i got called shortarse as well...

also, if i do make jokes abut height, its only to people i know really well, and even then only if they dont mind (i do check). me mate, for example, is 5 foot 2, and we take the mick out of each other quite cheerfully for our different deficiencies... (strange word that)
how many electricians does it take to change a lightbulb? i dunno, i'm not an electrician...

Captain Stupendo

| 2,235 posts

3rd Jan 2007 at 10:58 am

Captain Stupendo - snarf!


Im 6ft 2 and always been a lanky git trust me tall people get as much stick as midgets i mean short people. But to be honest id rather my height, i like looking down at people and its good for scaring little kids whahaha
Never take life seriously.

Elusive Moose

| 8,546 posts

3rd Jan 2007 at 7:45 pm

Elusive Moose - Get your Antlers on

Get your Antlers on

Tall people should all just move to Oxford. I thought it was normal for most men to be 6"2+... Then I moved to Cardiff and realised differently. Aha, no longer the problem of all prospective male interests being a foot taller than you and having to find unlevel ground to be able to kiss people...
"You can't roast infants. You just don't get away with it."- a life lesson for us all.

Wife of  Phil the Lawful Hippo. Imagine the children!

The Disneyafied Adventures of Me

Albert Johanneson

| 14,477 posts

4th Jan 2007 at 8:16 pm

Albert Johanneson - Outside-left


Quote: Completely_Underwhelmed
I never thought I was that tall (at 5ft8.) but since coming to uni I've realised that I'm actually half a foot taller than most of my friends, and it was kindly pointed out that I'm actually supposedly the uk average height for a man

There's not alot of tall women in Manchester, based upon what i've seen anyways.

Captain Stupendo

| 2,235 posts

5th Jan 2007 at 9:30 am

Captain Stupendo - snarf!


Theres quite a lot of tall folk in cornwall, the shortest person i know is 5ft 5
Never take life seriously.

Albert Johanneson

| 14,477 posts

7th Jan 2007 at 2:51 pm

Albert Johanneson - Outside-left


Quote: Radical_Edward
Quote: Pet_Sounds
Quote: Completely_Underwhelmed
I never thought I was that tall (at 5ft8.) but since coming to uni I've realised that I'm actually half a foot taller than most of my friends, and it was kindly pointed out that I'm actually supposedly the uk average height for a man

There's not alot of tall women in Manchester, based upon what i've seen anyways.

You've spent a lot of tie in Manchester the last 6 months then?

You are right though. Their aren't, which makes me all the happier!

No, but i spent alot of time there a couple of years ago for some reason...

Πανδώρα: Beefy cheesemas to all, and to all a gravy brie
Rayanne Graff: Happy Easter.
IGH: Just who was The Brigadier
ratammer: squeak
IGH: Wibble
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Emma: Hi VR...
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Rayanne Graff: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
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Emma: A lot of the regulars can be found on the VR veterans group on Facebook - if you see this and you’re not in there, come join us.

