VR Hotties 2008 - The Results

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Rayanne Graff

| 76,001 posts

24th Jan 2008 at 10:25 am

Rayanne Graff - River Phoenix

River Phoenix

Well done, Aimz and Mark. i'm proud that the husband is at number 6.

Rayanne Graff

| 76,001 posts

24th Jan 2008 at 10:56 am

Rayanne Graff - River Phoenix

River Phoenix

(Martin might have had more votes than Graham, but Graham has an African town named after him.)


| 6,773 posts

24th Jan 2008 at 11:04 am

Topper - Dismantling a person is sometimes necessary...

Dismantling a person is sometimes necessary...

Age must have withered me in the last year as I've slipped from 3rd to 8th, exactly as I think Claire has, which is strangely reassuring.

No matter, well done winners
I hope some day, for some reason, David Duchovny is investigated by the FBI. Because that would make a great story.



| 6,773 posts

24th Jan 2008 at 11:05 am

Topper - Dismantling a person is sometimes necessary...

Dismantling a person is sometimes necessary...

Also, where's Joel? Man, he won't be happy :p
I hope some day, for some reason, David Duchovny is investigated by the FBI. Because that would make a great story.


Tobias Fünke

| 4,730 posts

24th Jan 2008 at 11:11 am

Tobias Fünke  - I blue myself.

I blue myself.

"You're a big man, but you're out of shape."

Much like FF performance this year, you're fading Alex.


| 6,773 posts

24th Jan 2008 at 11:43 am

Topper - Dismantling a person is sometimes necessary...

Dismantling a person is sometimes necessary...

But much like the Prediction League, I'm one crucial place ahead of you
I hope some day, for some reason, David Duchovny is investigated by the FBI. Because that would make a great story.


Dr Namgge

| 14,541 posts

24th Jan 2008 at 11:49 am

Not in the top ten. There's a surprise

Having said that, only one twoperson I voted for ended up in the top ten themselves, so I'm calling shenanigans!

can't count
A Random Link
I don't give a f*ck you f*cking f*ck!

You should try being me, I injure myself on an hourly basis in stupid and childish ways. I nearly gave myself a heart attack this morning when I stood on a glove.

Chris Kamara

| 24,049 posts

24th Jan 2008 at 11:55 am

Chris Kamara -

Damnit, Sarah got more points than me. I will be mocked when I get home tonight. Mocked!

Albi The Racist Dragon

| 7,432 posts

24th Jan 2008 at 12:13 pm

Quote: Topper
Also, where's Joel? Man, he won't be happy :p

Yeah, it's clearly a load of b*ll*cks I think you mis-spelled Joel M-A-R-T-O-N.

With last years points tally I'd have been fifth, and I'm actually fitter than last year. Although less slutty.


Albert Johanneson

| 14,477 posts

24th Jan 2008 at 1:52 pm

Albert Johanneson - Outside-left


Quote: pablomarmite
Quote: Topper
Also, where's Joel? Man, he won't be happy :p

Yeah, it's clearly a load of b*ll*cks  I think you mis-spelled Joel M-A-R-T-O-N.

With last years points tally I'd have been fifth, and I'm actually fitter than last year.  Although less slutty.


Elusive Moose

| 8,546 posts

24th Jan 2008 at 5:44 pm

Elusive Moose - Get your Antlers on

Get your Antlers on

When those babies happen I'm SO next in line for one!

Also, 6th? Yer all mad, but thanking you!

Edited by Elusive Moose Jan 2008
"You can't roast infants. You just don't get away with it."- a life lesson for us all.

Wife of  Phil the Lawful Hippo. Imagine the children!

The Disneyafied Adventures of Me


| 5,671 posts

24th Jan 2008 at 6:14 pm

Dissimulation -

Quote: Squirrell_of_Doom


Come on Dan, you know he's only gonna ask you 'when'.

Chris Kamara

| 24,049 posts

24th Jan 2008 at 6:26 pm

Chris Kamara -

It's right that I have dropped to 3rd this year. I have gotten much uglier and fatter in the last 12 months.

I peaked too soon and I'm on the decline. Soon I shall wear a mask.

Albi The Racist Dragon

| 7,432 posts

24th Jan 2008 at 6:40 pm

Quote: Squirrell_of_Doom
Quote: pablomarmite
Quote: Topper
Also, where's Joel? Man, he won't be happy :p

Yeah, it's clearly a load of b*ll*cks  I think you mis-spelled Joel M-A-R-T-O-N.

With last years points tally I'd have been fifth, and I'm actually fitter than last year.  Although less slutty.


It means we're even now, I beat you last year.

11th!  Dammit.

Edit - by one point! Double dammit.

Edited by Albi The Racist Dragon Jan 2008


Mancomb Seepgood

| 3,455 posts

24th Jan 2008 at 7:06 pm

Mancomb Seepgood - Grog me.

Grog me.

From 8th to 2nd? Moisturising works! So much moisture. Well done all.

I want some babies.
If I could get an orange that was as low-maintenance as an apple, I'd be a happy man

Albert Johanneson

| 14,477 posts

24th Jan 2008 at 7:43 pm

Albert Johanneson - Outside-left


Quote: pablomarmite
Quote: Squirrell_of_Doom
Quote: pablomarmite
Quote: Topper
Also, where's Joel? Man, he won't be happy :p

Yeah, it's clearly a load of b*ll*cks  I think you mis-spelled Joel M-A-R-T-O-N.

With last years points tally I'd have been fifth, and I'm actually fitter than last year.  Although less slutty.


It means we're even now, I beat you last year.

11th!  Dammit.

Edit - by one point!  Double dammit.

Only by one point last year

Chris Kamara

| 24,049 posts

24th Jan 2008 at 7:44 pm

Chris Kamara -

Ultimately, there should be a seperate poll to determine the winner between Joel and Dan


| 8,154 posts

24th Jan 2008 at 7:45 pm

wombat - Technically sexy.

Technically sexy.

oh, dear me. I showed you my real self in photos but you still gave it to me.

A well deserved win for Amy, and Thomas is the hottie in my opinion.

thanks though.
Southern hemispherical rat boy


| 10,038 posts

25th Jan 2008 at 2:24 pm

Colin -

Note: This doesn't appear on the front page in the way it should - it's the pre-editing version.
I'm not bothered, but it might be simple to fix.

Mancomb Seepgood

| 3,455 posts

25th Jan 2008 at 3:22 pm

Mancomb Seepgood - Grog me.

Grog me.

Quote: The_Educatedwombat
oh, dear me. I showed you my real self in photos but you still gave it to me.

A well deserved win for Amy, and Thomas is the hottie in my opinion.

thanks though.

We should form a boyband and become the new 911. Imagine the screaming.
If I could get an orange that was as low-maintenance as an apple, I'd be a happy man


| 8,154 posts

25th Jan 2008 at 3:24 pm

wombat - Technically sexy.

Technically sexy.

Quote: mancombseepgood
Quote: The_Educatedwombat
oh, dear me. I showed you my real self in photos but you still gave it to me.

A well deserved win for Amy, and Thomas is the hottie in my opinion.

thanks though.

We should form a boyband and become the new 911. Imagine the screaming.

Southern hemispherical rat boy

Freshly Squeezed Cynic

| 6,189 posts

25th Jan 2008 at 3:36 pm

Freshly Squeezed Cynic - apparently the big pink bastard is me

apparently the big pink bastard is me

Quote: The_Educatedwombat
Quote: mancombseepgood
Quote: The_Educatedwombat
oh, dear me. I showed you my real self in photos but you still gave it to me.

A well deserved win for Amy, and Thomas is the hottie in my opinion.

thanks though.

We should form a boyband and become the new 911. Imagine the screaming.


I could be the anonymous one at the back.

Albert Johanneson

| 14,477 posts

25th Jan 2008 at 5:28 pm

Albert Johanneson - Outside-left


Quote: Enigmatic_Shrew
Quote: thelostdude
Note: This doesn't appear on the front page in the way it should - it's the pre-editing version.
I'm not bothered, but it might be simple to fix.

It's not simple to fix I'm afraid. Martin tried to fix it t'other night and nearly broke VR.

No, it was Joel.

Albi The Racist Dragon

| 7,432 posts

25th Jan 2008 at 6:15 pm

I did what?


Albert Johanneson

| 14,477 posts

25th Jan 2008 at 7:22 pm

Albert Johanneson - Outside-left


Quote: pablomarmite
I did what?

2 nights ago at about midnight/1am, you broke VR.

Me, Martin, George and Jamie all saw.

Chris Kamara

| 24,049 posts

25th Jan 2008 at 7:27 pm

Chris Kamara -

I can produce a log to prove it.

Freshly Squeezed Cynic

| 6,189 posts

25th Jan 2008 at 7:34 pm

Freshly Squeezed Cynic - apparently the big pink bastard is me

apparently the big pink bastard is me

Quote: farmer_jack
I can produce a log to prove it.

Don't strain yourself.

Chris Kamara

| 24,049 posts

25th Jan 2008 at 7:36 pm

Chris Kamara -

Oh I won't need to, I had dried fruit for breakfast.

Freshly Squeezed Cynic

| 6,189 posts

25th Jan 2008 at 7:43 pm

Freshly Squeezed Cynic - apparently the big pink bastard is me

apparently the big pink bastard is me

Quote: farmer_jack
Oh I won't need to, I had dried fruit for breakfast.

Oh good, that'll pass right through you, then.

Chris Kamara

| 24,049 posts

25th Jan 2008 at 7:52 pm

Chris Kamara -

Aye. It won't be much of a log, in fairness. Still, Joel broke VR and that's virtually a fact.


| 5,670 posts

25th Jan 2008 at 8:02 pm

learrggh -

Ahh, VR.

The place where a thread about hotties can turn into a discussion about defecation.


Freshly Squeezed Cynic

| 6,189 posts

25th Jan 2008 at 8:08 pm

Freshly Squeezed Cynic - apparently the big pink bastard is me

apparently the big pink bastard is me

Quote: ApologeticSquirrel
Ahh, VR.

The place where a thread about hotties can turn into a discussion about defecation.


Truly, everything about this thread is mired in the sh*t.


| 2,526 posts

26th Jan 2008 at 2:39 am

Snazzberry - i r lion. i r bite you.

i r lion. i r bite you.

Quote: Squirrell_of_Doom
Quote: pablomarmite
I did what?

2 nights ago at about midnight/1am, you broke VR.

Me, Martin, George and Jamie all saw.

i was there too, i'll vouch.
[quote author=the doc link=1161728632/360#370 date=1193262367]If i wanna scratch me balls i use a hedgehog like everyone else.[/quote]

Rayanne Graff

| 76,001 posts

26th Jan 2008 at 12:04 pm

Rayanne Graff - River Phoenix

River Phoenix

Quote: farmer_jack
Ultimately, there should be a seperate poll to determine the winner between Joel and Dan

(Or maybe it could be settled with a fight, Harry Hill-style.)


| 6,773 posts

26th Jan 2008 at 4:58 pm

Topper - Dismantling a person is sometimes necessary...

Dismantling a person is sometimes necessary...

Quote: Lilac_Leopard
Quote: Topper
Age must have withered me in the last year as I've slipped from 3rd to 8th, exactly as I think Claire has, which is strangely reassuring.

No matter, well done winners

4th to 8th...I have withered less than you, clearly, but only because you were hotter than me in the first place. I'm still pleased, since I've not posted any pictures in a loooong time so I thought people would just forget what I looked like and be dazzled by the beauty of superior lady VRers.

This is my one reason to be glad Neen and Antonia left, or I'd have been f*cked  


Quote: The_Educatedwombat
I showed you my real self in photos but you still gave it to me.

I would give it to you any time, Marko.

Oh, in that case I finished 4th last time too as I definitely was level with you.
I hope some day, for some reason, David Duchovny is investigated by the FBI. Because that would make a great story.


Vel: *sigh*
Emma: Hi VR...
Princess Psycho: Hi I am back in the UK so how are everyone been keeping. Has Fluffy had that little accident yet?
Rayanne Graff: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Lucozade Lover: Happy New Year!
Crinkle-Cut Beatroot: Happy new year <3
Rayanne Graff: Happy Easter.
Emma: So… Posting a new thread is Fission Mailing… so I’m putting this here.
Emma: I know there aren’t many people looking at this anymore… but I have made the decision to stop paying for the VR hosting and to let the domain lapse.
Emma: I think it will be going offline around the end of May
Emma: It’s been almost 10 years since James passed away… and I feel like it’s time.
Emma: A lot of the regulars can be found on the VR veterans group on Facebook - if you see this and you’re not in there, come join us.
Crinkle-Cut Beatroot: What's the facebook group called? I couldn't find it...
IGH: And so it ends
Captain Spiky: I've just been loving life, going through the photos in the Meets gallery. so many awesome people that I loved hanging out with

