VR Awards 2007 - the Results

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Dr Namgge

| 14,541 posts

13th Nov 2007 at 11:27 pm

Most Perverted I understand, and most likely to be into whips and chains I guess I can see why, but most likely to spend time in jail? :-?

meh. Also I'm glad my plan for shamelessly appealing to people's ego's tied me for best signature. Remember, if you want to win awards, don't waste time and effort being interesting, just tell others how great they are
A Random Link
I don't give a f*ck you f*cking f*ck!

You should try being me, I injure myself on an hourly basis in stupid and childish ways. I nearly gave myself a heart attack this morning when I stood on a glove.


| 8,154 posts

14th Nov 2007 at 1:39 am

wombat - Technically sexy.

Technically sexy.

but i never actually left- i just wasn't able to come on as often.

I therefore abdicate from my position, or whatever.
Southern hemispherical rat boy

Albert Johanneson

| 14,477 posts

14th Nov 2007 at 1:59 am

Albert Johanneson - Outside-left


and i came back in june 2006 (or thereabouts)....


| 6,793 posts

14th Nov 2007 at 5:14 am

Jewbacca -

The made up awards rule


| 10,038 posts

14th Nov 2007 at 7:19 am

Colin -

My school said I was most likely to be an evil genius, and second-most likely to be a rock star. I think I'm going to be an evil famous rock star genius cyborg. I added cyborg from my own preference.


| 10,038 posts

14th Nov 2007 at 11:02 am

Colin -

Quote: Bellatrixa
Or did people think "loudest" meant bitchiest? *shrugs*

Probably that

Vel: *sigh*
Emma: Hi VR...
Princess Psycho: Hi I am back in the UK so how are everyone been keeping. Has Fluffy had that little accident yet?
Rayanne Graff: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Lucozade Lover: Happy New Year!
Crinkle-Cut Beatroot: Happy new year <3
Rayanne Graff: Happy Easter.
Emma: So… Posting a new thread is Fission Mailing… so I’m putting this here.
Emma: I know there aren’t many people looking at this anymore… but I have made the decision to stop paying for the VR hosting and to let the domain lapse.
Emma: I think it will be going offline around the end of May
Emma: It’s been almost 10 years since James passed away… and I feel like it’s time.
Emma: A lot of the regulars can be found on the VR veterans group on Facebook - if you see this and you’re not in there, come join us.
Crinkle-Cut Beatroot: What's the facebook group called? I couldn't find it...
IGH: And so it ends
Captain Spiky: I've just been loving life, going through the photos in the Meets gallery. so many awesome people that I loved hanging out with


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