Last one to post...WINS!!

Posted In: Spam. Reading This Thread:


| 15,329 posts

13th Apr 2024 at 10:09 pm

 Πανδώρα -



| 15,329 posts

13th Apr 2024 at 10:45 pm

 Πανδώρα -


Sorry my most favourite Claire in the world, the universe, and Ever and always
but I'm gonna stick right around here and plant my still half-price pants-less butt alllll over your land


Edited by Claire 6 weeks ago

Captain Spiky

| 9,188 posts

11th Jun 2024 at 5:15 am

Captain Spiky - Cockwomble


Now that we're here we may as well go too far.


| 24 posts

15th Jun 2024 at 12:41 am

You just don't get it!

The Sweeney's doing 90 'cause they got nowhere to go...

Captain Spiky

| 9,188 posts

15th Jun 2024 at 5:53 am

Captain Spiky - Cockwomble


Now that we're here we may as well go too far.


| 15,329 posts

1st Aug 2024 at 6:44 pm

 Πανδώρα -

I'll. Just wander on through...


| 24 posts

3rd Aug 2024 at 6:34 am

You just don't get it!

Golly gosh, do I win?
The Sweeney's doing 90 'cause they got nowhere to go...

Captain Spiky

| 9,188 posts

4th Aug 2024 at 10:30 am

Captain Spiky - Cockwomble


Reading my diary from 2003 is very fun. Such as this, from January 23rd 2003:

"Last night I found a website called Vegetable Revolution 1.5, a spin-off from the mighty Megazine, and I registered myself on there as (of course) Captain Spiky. This evening I went back and investigated further, finding that each user seems to be hilarious and the place is a rich seam of comedy gold. I particularly like the signature lines that people have (mine is “Be afraid. Be VERY afraid.”). When it comes to picking my favourite I am torn between a) I thought I'd try optimism, but I didn't think it would work. and b) <insert comical line here>

[..some other stuff..]

Then I returned to VR for 2.5 hours (I am so addicted!)... In Lawful Hippo and Girlpants and co I feel like I've been welcomed in to a lovely new family. (Though more like the Addams Family than the Waltons.)"

And one day later...
"This evening I returned to Vegetable Revolution and had a conversation with Twisted Barbie which left me in stitches... I just love that site! Everything and everyone on there makes me laugh, and my postings fit in perfectly. I feel I've found my spiritual home."
Now that we're here we may as well go too far.


| 2,176 posts

4th Aug 2024 at 11:32 pm

PsyPo - The original potato.

The original potato.

And in swoops Psychic Potato with a surprise late entry!

Astonished to think it's been over 20 years since I started engaging with the Mega-Zine/VR community. My first Internet haunt.

Sad to see this little place go; on the one hand, end of on era, on the other, one less record of my Embarrassing Teenage Years™. I don't think I'm properly in touch with many of you anymore, if any at all. I'm not even sure if anyone will even pass by to read this, but for what it's worth: thank you for being around & putting up with me at the start of my digital road. After 2,176 entries of varying quality, that's me done here. It's been fun.

See you all on the other side. Farewell.



| 5,671 posts

12th Aug 2024 at 7:54 am

learrggh -

So long, VR, and thanks for all the fish.
Loony, you did good.

Captain Spiky

| 9,188 posts

17th Aug 2024 at 6:42 am

Captain Spiky - Cockwomble


No, because I am.
Now that we're here we may as well go too far.

Vel: *sigh*
Emma: Hi VR...
Princess Psycho: Hi I am back in the UK so how are everyone been keeping. Has Fluffy had that little accident yet?
Rayanne Graff: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Lucozade Lover: Happy New Year!
Crinkle-Cut Beatroot: Happy new year <3
Rayanne Graff: Happy Easter.
Emma: So… Posting a new thread is Fission Mailing… so I’m putting this here.
Emma: I know there aren’t many people looking at this anymore… but I have made the decision to stop paying for the VR hosting and to let the domain lapse.
Emma: I think it will be going offline around the end of May
Emma: It’s been almost 10 years since James passed away… and I feel like it’s time.
Emma: A lot of the regulars can be found on the VR veterans group on Facebook - if you see this and you’re not in there, come join us.
Crinkle-Cut Beatroot: What's the facebook group called? I couldn't find it...
IGH: And so it ends
Captain Spiky: I've just been loving life, going through the photos in the Meets gallery. so many awesome people that I loved hanging out with

