Fitness Thread

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| 11,949 posts

4th Nov 2010 at 9:27 am

Dinglebutt - I aim to misbehave

I aim to misbehave

Started in new gym yesterday morning before work. Nice enough gym. Not a lot in it, but cheap and at the times I'll be going at, fairly empty. Dent have a great workout cos I spent so long trying to figure out what to do, where stuff is etc. But still sore this morning. Missed this feeling.

Just have to reign in my eating habits, which will be the main hurdle. Have lunch and breakfast sorted, just need to cook healthier stuff for dinner instead of what I've been doing the last month or so and just eating bread and butter. I want to cook more but everything I think of making is carbs. Pasta, rice. I suppose if I stick to wholewheat or wholegrain pasta and rice I should be safe enough, just load it up with more chicken or whatever
Mal: Appears we got here just in the nick of time. What does that make us?
Zoë: Big damn heroes, sir.
Mal: Ain't we just.


| 11,949 posts

4th Nov 2010 at 10:18 am

Dinglebutt - I aim to misbehave

I aim to misbehave

Quote: Mr Bungle, Nov 2010
I don't know if this has already been discussed as I used to not read this thread out of feeling ashamed, but what music do people listen to in the gym and while they exercise? Assuming you do, I know I simply couldn't exercise without my iPod.

My best gym music is Paramore, Weezer, Blink-182, The Offspring, Rage Against The Machine and Andrew W.K.
Always gets me going.

Have you thought about stir fry Barry? I know it's noodles but if you make it with herbs and spices instead of those packet sauces I think it's pretty healthy, it's pretty much the only thing I've been eating, plenty of chicken and veg in it, tasty.
To be honest rather than cutting stuff out (except the obvious, sugar, salt, cheese, snacks and the like) I've had the best results just halving the portions I would normally have. This has the added bonus of making restaurant meals look like absolute feasts rather than mild disappointments.

Now that I'm back in the gym I'm going to make a Slash playlist. All the best songs from GNR, Slashs Snakepit, Velvet Revolver and his recent solo album. Should get me going. Although I did use to listen to Smodcasts in the gym, but gonna try something heavier now to see if it pushes me more.

As for stirfry, thinking of that alright. I think my pasta and rice dishes are alright, just need to, as you said, reduce portion sizes. Not a fan of veg but going to slowly sneak some in when I'm not looking. While I have no problem with a bit of side salad rather than chips or spuds, actual veg has always been my downfall. Going to eat more egg dishes (scrambled, omelette) too, and wholewheat pancakes. Since I moved out of home I just find I'm not as hungry in the evenings, and even the boil in the bag rice is a ridiculous sized portion for one person, but you have to boil it all so end up eating it all.

Hence the bread. But I'm not even going to buy bread. Not even to make toast for the scrambled eggs, cos I'll just end up eating it because it'll go off soon.

Should probably cut down on my milk drinking too. Even though it's low fat, I do drink a lot of it
Mal: Appears we got here just in the nick of time. What does that make us?
Zoë: Big damn heroes, sir.
Mal: Ain't we just.


| 11,949 posts

4th Nov 2010 at 10:48 am

Dinglebutt - I aim to misbehave

I aim to misbehave

Quote: Mr Bungle, Nov 2010
You can get really small boil in the bag portions, uncle bens do them.
I used to listen to podcasts but I found switching to upbeat music really increased my speed. Radiohead was a bad move.

Yeah, I tried Radiohead in the gym once. Got off the treadmill and cried in the darkest corner I could find.

I do have Uncle Bens rice but maybe not the smaller sized portions. I'll have a lookski at the weekend. Or maybe with the egg, chicken an bacon (my egg fried rice recipe) it just looks like a big portion. Either way, food, Lucozade and laziness made me into what I am now, and I've already cut out the Lucozade and joined a gym, so once I sort my food out, I should be good to go
Mal: Appears we got here just in the nick of time. What does that make us?
Zoë: Big damn heroes, sir.
Mal: Ain't we just.

Delirium Tremens

| 1,875 posts

4th Nov 2010 at 1:08 pm

Delirium Tremens -

I recommend 13 Songs, the Fugazi album, for a workout.


| 11,949 posts

4th Nov 2010 at 10:14 pm

Dinglebutt - I aim to misbehave

I aim to misbehave

Most I weighed (to my knowledge) was 260. But I thought over the past few months, I've exceeded it. So I bought a good set of scales and have bitten the bullet.

258 (18st 6lbs). Not something to be happy about really, but at least I have a good starting point and haven't exceeded where I was. Won't get to the gym in the morning due to having to go into work early (and probably staying late due to my f*cktard of a boss not telling me this project has to be out tomorrow until half 4 this evening). But will go Saturday morning and get the trainer to set me up with a program. Can't really do the program I was doing in my old gym as the new gym doesn't have some equipment I had been using (doesn't even have a proper bench press, you have to use the squat rack). So gonna try and do mostly cardio at the gym and weights using my home gym.
Mal: Appears we got here just in the nick of time. What does that make us?
Zoë: Big damn heroes, sir.
Mal: Ain't we just.


| 11,949 posts

7th Nov 2010 at 11:53 pm

Dinglebutt - I aim to misbehave

I aim to misbehave

Lost about 2lb since Thursday even though I didn't get to the gym. Just eating healthier and a good bit of walking in shopping centres and the like
Mal: Appears we got here just in the nick of time. What does that make us?
Zoë: Big damn heroes, sir.
Mal: Ain't we just.


| 11,949 posts

8th Nov 2010 at 8:25 pm

Dinglebutt - I aim to misbehave

I aim to misbehave

Quote: Mr Bungle, Nov 2010
Have you thought about stir fry Barry? I know it's noodles but if you make it with herbs and spices instead of those packet sauces I think it's pretty healthy, it's pretty much the only thing I've been eating, plenty of chicken and veg in it, tasty.


Probably should have cooked the veg part a bit more as they were probably a bit too crunchy for my liking, but tastewise, I barely noticed them. Which is good. Overall, pretty happy with that. Tasty stuff. Pretty healthy. Easy to make. I like it. Cheers George

As an aside to this, I'm starting to realise as I cook different things, that cooking is pretty easy and is basically the same processes for the majority of things you make.
Mal: Appears we got here just in the nick of time. What does that make us?
Zoë: Big damn heroes, sir.
Mal: Ain't we just.


| 11,949 posts

8th Nov 2010 at 9:23 pm

Dinglebutt - I aim to misbehave

I aim to misbehave

My plan was to go Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday mornings, then once at the weekends. However, I'll try go tomorrow evening as I want to get a programme set up by the trainer. Only trouble at the minute is the amount of overtime I'm having to do at work. I think that's why our company has lasted so long through the recession. Every time I start making a commitment to go to the gym regularly, we get mad busy and I have to do a sh*tload of overtime.

Didn't go last weekend as I was needed at home (Grandad finally got out of the hospital so I had to help get stuff sorted since he's staying at my folks for the foreseeable future). But even though I have a cold at the mo, I'll still try and go tomorrow.
Mal: Appears we got here just in the nick of time. What does that make us?
Zoë: Big damn heroes, sir.
Mal: Ain't we just.


| 11,949 posts

8th Nov 2010 at 9:48 pm

Dinglebutt - I aim to misbehave

I aim to misbehave

Quote: Mr Bungle, Nov 2010
I didn't go to the gym today. I had a dominos instead, with double cheese.
It's the same.

Mal: Appears we got here just in the nick of time. What does that make us?
Zoë: Big damn heroes, sir.
Mal: Ain't we just.


| 11,949 posts

9th Nov 2010 at 9:19 pm

Dinglebutt - I aim to misbehave

I aim to misbehave

F*cking hell, I got really weak over the past few months. Leg is killing me too cos I've been mostly doing cardio. Booked an appointment for Saturday morning to get a full assessment though
Mal: Appears we got here just in the nick of time. What does that make us?
Zoë: Big damn heroes, sir.
Mal: Ain't we just.


| 11,949 posts

10th Nov 2010 at 9:59 am

Dinglebutt - I aim to misbehave

I aim to misbehave

My mind has started to realise that I'm trying to lose weight. Only dream I can remember from last night was dipping a variety of biscuits into a big jar of Nutella and eating them. I'm my own worst enemy. I'm also my own grandfather, but that's a less interesting story.
Mal: Appears we got here just in the nick of time. What does that make us?
Zoë: Big damn heroes, sir.
Mal: Ain't we just.


| 11,949 posts

13th Nov 2010 at 11:50 am

Dinglebutt - I aim to misbehave

I aim to misbehave

Starting to think I might have to go to the physio about my leg again. Almost went while doing squats yesterday morning and was pretty sore for the rest of the day after
Mal: Appears we got here just in the nick of time. What does that make us?
Zoë: Big damn heroes, sir.
Mal: Ain't we just.

Rayanne Graff

| 76,001 posts

12th Dec 2010 at 2:07 pm

Rayanne Graff - River Phoenix

River Phoenix

Well done, George.


| 11,949 posts

12th Dec 2010 at 4:53 pm

Dinglebutt - I aim to misbehave

I aim to misbehave

Quote: Charles D*ckens, Dec 2010
This hasn't been posted in in a while. So I've not been doing so great with the gym the past few weeks but I weighed myself the other day and in the last 9 weeks I've lost 17 pounds. I'll take that.

Go George! That's SMASHing!

Between work, snow and work, I haven't been to the gym in weeks. Still losing weight, just a lot slower. Down to just over 250, which is about 8-9lbs in 7 weeks. And since I'm going to be moving home, that €180 I spent on a 6 month membership to the gym is now gone. It'd be cheaper to pay for membership to my old gym than what I'd pay in diesel driving all the way to the gym. I prefer my old gym anyway though. And I'll be able to start cycling again so the €300 I spent on the bike before I decided to move becomes useful again. So in January, hitting sh*t hard.
Mal: Appears we got here just in the nick of time. What does that make us?
Zoë: Big damn heroes, sir.
Mal: Ain't we just.

Delirium Tremens

| 1,875 posts

14th Dec 2010 at 1:18 pm

Delirium Tremens -

Somehow - I think all the sandwiches, chocolates, crisps, kebabs and pizza whilst doing next to no exercise - I've gained two stone almost in as many months. I'm now a bloated looking 13st. I'm not sure why I'm having such trouble cutting down, but I haven't stuck at it yet.

Vel: *sigh*
Emma: Hi VR...
Princess Psycho: Hi I am back in the UK so how are everyone been keeping. Has Fluffy had that little accident yet?
Rayanne Graff: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Lucozade Lover: Happy New Year!
Crinkle-Cut Beatroot: Happy new year <3
Rayanne Graff: Happy Easter.
Emma: So… Posting a new thread is Fission Mailing… so I’m putting this here.
Emma: I know there aren’t many people looking at this anymore… but I have made the decision to stop paying for the VR hosting and to let the domain lapse.
Emma: I think it will be going offline around the end of May
Emma: It’s been almost 10 years since James passed away… and I feel like it’s time.
Emma: A lot of the regulars can be found on the VR veterans group on Facebook - if you see this and you’re not in there, come join us.
Crinkle-Cut Beatroot: What's the facebook group called? I couldn't find it...
IGH: And so it ends
Captain Spiky: I've just been loving life, going through the photos in the Meets gallery. so many awesome people that I loved hanging out with

