Today I am mostly...

Posted In: Spam. Reading This Thread:


| 11,898 posts

29th Aug 2008 at 7:46 pm

Snowflake - Lady Lobschter

Lady Lobschter

getting p*ssed off with everyone else's incompetence.
self-confessed spamaholic

about as useful as trying to put the pin back in the grenade

Me and Matt - King and Queen lobster spam team!!


| 11,898 posts

1st Sept 2008 at 2:18 pm

Snowflake - Lady Lobschter

Lady Lobschter

Painting flowers on my toe nails and butterflies on my fingernails.

Boredom indeed.
self-confessed spamaholic

about as useful as trying to put the pin back in the grenade

Me and Matt - King and Queen lobster spam team!!


| 4,578 posts

26th Sept 2008 at 2:07 pm

Jingle - WOO-HAH!


Today I have been mostly playing The Sea and the Rhythm. On the ukulele. Singing along. And sometimes sped up. And sometimes I add a reggae beat

Little Blue Fox.

| 4,256 posts

29th Sept 2008 at 10:43 am

Little Blue Fox. - Hope is important.

Hope is important.

Researching about ghost stories.
It hurts too much not to try.
I will see you in another life when we are both cats.
Quod perditum est, in venietur.*Facebook.

Little Blue Fox.

| 4,256 posts

29th Sept 2008 at 11:05 am

Little Blue Fox. - Hope is important.

Hope is important.

Quote: the_doc
Quote: little_blue_fox
Researching about ghost stories.

Check out some MR James if you haven't already, those ones are great.  Actually, Victorian ghost stories in general were absolutely spine-tingling  

Oh - it is just all the ghost stories about Pluckley. - We are going to sleep out in Dering Woods at Hallowe'en - it is The Screaming Woods!
It hurts too much not to try.
I will see you in another life when we are both cats.
Quod perditum est, in venietur.*Facebook.


| 10,181 posts

25th Nov 2008 at 1:10 pm

klinsmann18 - Matt.


Trying to contact my deaf Grandad via the telephone.
When you get here, the Welcome To This Town sign, it scares little kids with it's skulls and it's gore
When you leave here, the Get The Hell Out sign is well kept and pretty with floral decor

Me and Jez - King and Queen lobster spam team!!

Vel: *sigh*
Emma: Hi VR...
Princess Psycho: Hi I am back in the UK so how are everyone been keeping. Has Fluffy had that little accident yet?
Rayanne Graff: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Lucozade Lover: Happy New Year!
Crinkle-Cut Beatroot: Happy new year <3
Rayanne Graff: Happy Easter.
Emma: So… Posting a new thread is Fission Mailing… so I’m putting this here.
Emma: I know there aren’t many people looking at this anymore… but I have made the decision to stop paying for the VR hosting and to let the domain lapse.
Emma: I think it will be going offline around the end of May
Emma: It’s been almost 10 years since James passed away… and I feel like it’s time.
Emma: A lot of the regulars can be found on the VR veterans group on Facebook - if you see this and you’re not in there, come join us.
Crinkle-Cut Beatroot: What's the facebook group called? I couldn't find it...
IGH: And so it ends
Captain Spiky: I've just been loving life, going through the photos in the Meets gallery. so many awesome people that I loved hanging out with

