The Big VR Movie Weview

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| 8,154 posts

1st Feb 2010 at 5:58 pm

wombat - Technically sexy.

Technically sexy.

Did you know that Arther Conan Doyle (sp) was a believer in the paranormal etc. and invented the character of Holmes to take the p*ss out of what he considered to be the over rational modern state of mind.

Then the book got famous and he was stcuk with him despite hating Holmes and everything he stood for.
Southern hemispherical rat boy

Rayanne Graff

| 76,001 posts

2nd Feb 2010 at 1:00 pm

Rayanne Graff - River Phoenix

River Phoenix

Quote: wombat, Feb 2010
Did you know that Arther Conan Doyle (sp) was a believer in the paranormal etc. and invented the character of Holmes to take the p*ss out of what he considered to be the over rational modern state of mind.

Then the book got famous and he was stcuk with him despite hating Holmes and everything he stood for.

i knew he believed in the paranormal and Spiritualism because i once read a book about Houdini (it mentioned about how Conan Doyle and Houdini fell out because of their conflicting views). i didn't know he invented Holmes to take the kiss, though.


| 11,949 posts

4th Feb 2010 at 10:14 pm

Dinglebutt - I aim to misbehave

I aim to misbehave

Quote: Air Commander, Feb 2010
And what's with the totally unneccessary and inappropriate to the storyline sex scenes?

Stu was going to give it 0/10 until he remembered the sex scenes
Mal: Appears we got here just in the nick of time. What does that make us?
Zoë: Big damn heroes, sir.
Mal: Ain't we just.


| 11,949 posts

8th Feb 2010 at 11:50 am

Dinglebutt - I aim to misbehave

I aim to misbehave

Title: Adventureland
Genre: Teen coming of age type romcom thing
Good actors: Ryan Reynolds was brilliant, though I like him anyway. But he wasn't playing his typical role. Almost the bad guy of the movie. The rest were alright
Products Placements: Weed
Minutes too long: about 20. Can't think of anything that couldn't have been that bit shorter. Few too many pointless sub-plots that add little
Deaths: Nope
Attractive males: All pretty much nerds and geeks apart from Reynolds
Attractive females: Kristen Stewart is hot. I only found out after that she's the chick in the Twilight movies, yet she still seems attractive to me. How very curious
Best Quote: Tommy Frigo: James, don't get all drunk and fall asleep or anything.
James Brennan: Why not?
Tommy Frigo: Because I'll jack off on your face.
Highlight: Honestly, can't really think of any. There was nothing that really stood out to me as being anything better than average. The music throughout was pretty awesome though. Lou Reed, Crowded House... the music rocked
Lowlight: My own expectations ruined this. Saw the trailer and it looked hilarious. But everything was just so formulaic with nothing to make it memorable. Directed by the same guy who directed Superbad, but obviously not written by him. This film gives nothing that Superbad didn't give in a funnier way
Score: 4 Giant Panda teddys out of 10
Mal: Appears we got here just in the nick of time. What does that make us?
Zoë: Big damn heroes, sir.
Mal: Ain't we just.


| 11,949 posts

8th Feb 2010 at 12:15 pm

Dinglebutt - I aim to misbehave

I aim to misbehave

Quote: Ted 'Smooth' Bundy, Feb 2010
Quote: Psymon Stark, Feb 2010
Title: Adventureland
Genre: Teen coming of age type romcom thing
Good actors: Ryan Reynolds was brilliant, though I like him anyway. But he wasn't playing his typical role. Almost the bad guy of the movie. The rest were alright
Products Placements: Weed
Minutes too long: about 20. Can't think of anything that couldn't have been that bit shorter. Few too many pointless sub-plots that add little
Deaths: Nope
Attractive males: All pretty much nerds and geeks apart from Reynolds
Attractive females: Kristen Stewart is hot. I only found out after that she's the chick in the Twilight movies, yet she still seems attractive to me. How very curious
Best Quote: Tommy Frigo: James, don't get all drunk and fall asleep or anything.
James Brennan: Why not?
Tommy Frigo: Because I'll jack off on your face.
Highlight: Honestly, can't really think of any. There was nothing that really stood out to me as being anything better than average. The music throughout was pretty awesome though. Lou Reed, Crowded House... the music rocked
Lowlight: My own expectations ruined this. Saw the trailer and it looked hilarious. But everything was just so formulaic with nothing to make it memorable. Directed by the same guy who directed Superbad, but obviously not written by him. This film gives nothing that Superbad didn't give in a funnier way
Score: 4 Giant Panda teddys out of 10

I thought it was absolute dogsh*t as well, typical yank nerd written sh*te, where they're really clever and use big words and get the girl. Fuming I wasted my time with it, I could have watched Commando for the 100th time and enjoyed it more.

Yeah, this guy, a real nerd, not only gets the cute, kinda quirky girl, he also has the (supposedly) hottest girl there chasing after him, even though he did nothing remotely interesting.


I'm not saying that most of Commando could happen in real life either, but Arnie makes the bad guy let off some steam, so s'all good
Mal: Appears we got here just in the nick of time. What does that make us?
Zoë: Big damn heroes, sir.
Mal: Ain't we just.

Rayanne Graff

| 76,001 posts

8th Feb 2010 at 1:27 pm

Rayanne Graff - River Phoenix

River Phoenix

i watched The Devil Wears Prada as well. i wouldn't say that i <3 Anne Hathaway but i don't think she's plain; i just thought she looked cute and had cool hair.

Rayanne Graff

| 76,001 posts

8th Feb 2010 at 1:46 pm

Rayanne Graff - River Phoenix

River Phoenix

Quote: Parmaynu, Feb 2010
Quote: Rayanne Graff, Feb 2010
i watched The Devil Wears Prada as well. i wouldn't say that i <3 Anne Hathaway but i don't think she's plain; i just thought she looked cute and had cool hair.

Yeah that's part of the absurdity of the film, that she isn't particularly plain or 'fat' as she's constantly accused of being.

Yeah, it's mad about her being called fat because she says that she's a size 6 (which is a British size 10, i think). But i s'pose it's meant to show that fashion is daft. It was all right but i prefer Ugly Betty.


| 11,949 posts

8th Feb 2010 at 1:49 pm

Dinglebutt - I aim to misbehave

I aim to misbehave

Quote: Ted 'Smooth' Bundy, Feb 2010
Quote: Parmaynu, Feb 2010
Quote: Ted 'Smooth' Bundy, Feb 2010
Quote: Parmaynu, Feb 2010
I watched The Devil Wears Prada last night. HERE IS MY REVIEW.

Plain Jane starts work at one of those magazines that aims to rot ladies brains. Her superior says "I will be going to Paris in the fall for the clothes thing and you will not", Plain Jane rolls her eyes because she does not even want to go to Paris for the clothes thing, because she is plain.

Suddenly Plain Jane starts wearing pretty much the same clothes but because a camp gay man gave them to her everybody does the shocked fish mouth because SHE IS NO LONGER PLAIN.

In a surprising twist No-longer-plain Jane goes to Paris for the clothes thing and decides that she preferred being Plain Jane so she throws her phone into a fountain (a move she is sure to regret shortly after though we, the audience, are not shown this scene) and moves to Boston with Vincent Chase out of Entourage. The End.

I <3 Anne Hathaway.

She is plain.



[url=]She plays Havoc with my genitals in this pic *NSFW*[/url]
Mal: Appears we got here just in the nick of time. What does that make us?
Zoë: Big damn heroes, sir.
Mal: Ain't we just.

Rayanne Graff

| 76,001 posts

8th Feb 2010 at 2:06 pm

Rayanne Graff - River Phoenix

River Phoenix

Ugh, Deb, as if your avatar isn't bad enough.

Mancomb Seepgood

| 3,455 posts

8th Feb 2010 at 10:53 pm

Mancomb Seepgood - Grog me.

Grog me.

Title: Up in the Air
Genre: Drama/romance/
Good actors: Clooney is just walking charisma. He never fails to be anything less than believable in this portrayal of charm, cynicism, loss and purpose. The absolute pinnacle of his career. Kendrick is good too in an annoying, cutesy but confident way. And Clooney's sisters are both excellent in small but important roles, all adding to a film of complete, careful thoughtfulness and reality.
Products Placements: American Airlines. Hilton.
Minutes too long: A completely satisfying 90 mins or so.
Deaths: One. But who?!?!?1
Attractive males: Clooney. Obvs.
Attractive females: Kendrick is beautiful in a slightly weird face way. The older woman's body double is top too.
Best Quote: Flight Attendant: Would you like the cancer?
Ryan Bingham: What?
Flight Attendant: Would you like the can, sir?

Ryan Bingham: I thought I was a part of your life.
Alex Goran: I thought we signed up for the same thing... I thought our relationship was perfectly clear. You are an escape. You're a break from our normal lives. You're a parenthesis.
Ryan Bingham: I'm a parenthesis?

Highlight: Again, the performances. The leads and Clooney's family all create an environment that doesn't condescend or idealise, making every word and action plausible and so much more rewarding. A wickedly intelligent script, and bittersweet, brilliant narrative don't go far wrong either.
Lowlight: Jason Bateman showing once again he'll never top Michael Bluth in his own personal performances.
Score: 8 air miles out of 10
If I could get an orange that was as low-maintenance as an apple, I'd be a happy man


| 17,916 posts

9th Feb 2010 at 7:28 pm

LoonyPandora - Daft Cow?

Daft Cow?

Quote: Mancomb Seepgood, Feb 2010
Title: Up in the Air

Agree with that review totally. Especially poignant was the Ryan Bingham: I'm a parenthesis? bit. I loved the whole fit your life in backpack thing, because, well, that's me.

Anyway. I've got a mini review of Avatar. It's all been covered before, but I just want to add:

- Why the hell does everyone whoop all the time? Every five minutes someone is shouting "woooo, yeaah" or "that's what I'm talking about" for no apparent reason. People don't do this.
- The annoying look at how wonderful and breathtaking out world is wide-shots. As if we've not seen a magical world a million times before in film. It wastes a good hour on this.
- The zoom. You should never use zoom. Have these directors never been to film school? It's the same in Transformers, it just looks amateurish. I can understand using it for effect if you are going for an amateur documentary type of look, but it's utterly ridiculous in this otherwise beautiful, and professionally shot world.

- The Na'vi, at some points I almost believed they were actually people in makeup, and not total CGI. This is actually a compliment, looks like we are on the upside of the uncanny valley now.
- I couldn't take the bad guy seriously, because the film I'd watched earlier that week was Men Who Stare At Goats. Where the same actor plays a military man with hippy-ish tendencies.
- Papyrus for the subtitles? F*ck off.

I heard it described as Dances With Wolves In Space, which is pretty apt. Apart from Avatar cops out with a happy ending

Edited by LoonyPandora Feb 2010


| 17,916 posts

10th Feb 2010 at 8:35 pm

LoonyPandora - Daft Cow?

Daft Cow?

Quote: Parmaynu, Feb 2010

That's cause it's Pocahontas in space

I've never seen Pocahontas


| 17,916 posts

10th Feb 2010 at 8:44 pm

LoonyPandora - Daft Cow?

Daft Cow?

Quote: Parmaynu, Feb 2010
It's Avatar on the ground

Damn man, you could've put spoilers or something in there

Rayanne Graff

| 76,001 posts

11th Feb 2010 at 5:05 pm

Rayanne Graff - River Phoenix

River Phoenix

Quote: LoonyPandora, Feb 2010
Quote: Parmaynu, Feb 2010
It's Avatar on the ground

Damn man, you could've put spoilers or something in there

Never mind, you'll probably forget about it.

Little Blue Fox.

| 4,256 posts

1st Mar 2010 at 2:16 pm

Little Blue Fox. - Hope is important.

Hope is important.

Title: The Crazies.
Genre: Horror.
Good actors: Timothy Olephant.
Products Placements: None (i think).
Minutes too long: None.
Deaths: Lots.
Attractive males: Timothy Olephant?
Attractive females:
Best Quote: Oh gosh - I am sorry I cannot remember any quotes at-all. It is really silly! All the quotes are not so important, I think - all the conversations are really serious and about the story.
Highlight: It is pretty good, I think - it is really pretty creepy and jumpy, and also lots of bits are really terrible and horrific. It is really silly lots of people and newspapers are really scared and panicky about lots of diseases really suddenly.
Also, we saw a tiny trailer about "Kick-A*s" too. Squee!
Lowlight: All the story it is pretty obvious, sometimes, I think. Also, it is really silly the first half is really slow and creepy and interesting, but the second half is like a chase movie. It is pretty fast and exciting, still, I think. I am not sure.
Score: 7 angle grinders out of 10.


It hurts too much not to try.
I will see you in another life when we are both cats.
Quod perditum est, in venietur.*Facebook.


| 17,916 posts

2nd Mar 2010 at 9:28 pm

LoonyPandora - Daft Cow?

Daft Cow?

Watched 500 days of summer earlier. It's been reviewed here before so I won't bother with the template.

Anyway, I thought it was pretty cool as far as a romantic comedy goes, seems like a nice modern take on gender roles. Even though it's quite a common theme in films and has been for 30 years, it still seemed fresh.

It was full of pop culture references that were there just to make people feel smart for getting them, this detracted from the movie a bit - not much, but a bit. It could've gone overboard with this in an effort to be kooky, but luckily it pulled itself back from the brink.

Had plenty of nice little editing flourishes, a nice gimmick with the disjointed timeline, and overall - a sound film.


| 6,793 posts

5th Mar 2010 at 11:02 pm

Jewbacca -

I saw a film!

Title: The Wolf Man.
Genre: Horror.
Good actors: Anthony Hopkins.
Minutes too long: 20, and it was a pretty short film.
Deaths: A few.
Lowlight: The woman: "NO!" *does a typical stupid woman thing*
Score: 2 or 3 out of 10.

Was actually quite enjoyable, I'd say I enjoyed it 9 out of 10, but that might give the impression that it was actually a good film (which it wasn't). I almost enjoyed it 10/10 actually but I was watching it with someone who wouldn't be quiet and commented on everything that happened despite being told to be quiet twice. He was worse than the doc at an Iron and Wine concert


| 6,793 posts

6th Mar 2010 at 3:30 am

Jewbacca -

It was a bad film but I enjoyed it immensely. A bit like Plan 9 from outer space.


| 11,949 posts

8th Mar 2010 at 3:47 pm

Dinglebutt - I aim to misbehave

I aim to misbehave

Title: Downfall
Genre: War. The final days of Hitler
Good actors: Guy who plays Hitler (Bruno Ganz) is fantastic, as is Eva Braun and Magda Goebbels
Products Placements: The Nazi Party
Minutes too long: 15-20 minutes. I felt a lot of the end kinda dragged out. Necessary in a way, but dragged out nonetheless
Deaths: War movie without death would be like Titanic without an incident involving an iceberg
Attractive males: Not really, but the guy who plays Joseph Goebbels has really freaky eyes
Attractive females: Eva Braun is pretty hot in a Milf way.
Best Quote: Adolf Hitler: Tomorrow millions of people will curse me, but fate has taken its course.
Highlight: Tremedous acting throughout. Really great story (based on real events I hear). Ganz's portrayal of Hitler is chilling and terrifying, yet almost sympathetic when it needs to be. After 3 minutes the fact it was subtitled never even registered, so its not an issue at all
Lowlight: A bit too much time spent on a medic, who seems to have mostly been thrown in so he can witness the horrors of war and stuff. Interesting, but not as interesting as those closest to Hitler.
Score: World War 9 out of 10
Mal: Appears we got here just in the nick of time. What does that make us?
Zoë: Big damn heroes, sir.
Mal: Ain't we just.

IGH: Just who was The Brigadier
ratammer: squeak
IGH: Wibble
Vel: *sigh*
Emma: Hi VR...
Princess Psycho: Hi I am back in the UK so how are everyone been keeping. Has Fluffy had that little accident yet?
Rayanne Graff: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Lucozade Lover: Happy New Year!
Crinkle-Cut Beatroot: Happy new year <3
Rayanne Graff: Happy Easter.
Emma: So… Posting a new thread is Fission Mailing… so I’m putting this here.
Emma: I know there aren’t many people looking at this anymore… but I have made the decision to stop paying for the VR hosting and to let the domain lapse.
Emma: I think it will be going offline around the end of May
Emma: It’s been almost 10 years since James passed away… and I feel like it’s time.
Emma: A lot of the regulars can be found on the VR veterans group on Facebook - if you see this and you’re not in there, come join us.
Crinkle-Cut Beatroot: What's the facebook group called? I couldn't find it...

